
Explain What It Means That God Counted Abraham's Righteousness

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It may mean that God counted Abraham’s faith as righteousness, but it may also mean that Abraham recognized and acknowledged God’s promise as an expression of God’s righteousness
(Rendtorff 2005:27). Whatever the case may be, it signifies trust between both parties (Birch 1999:79).
Righteousness is a term that expresses relationship. Thus, a man is called righteous when he conducts himself properly with reference to an existing communal relationship that does justice to the claims this relationship makes on him (Von Rad 1981:185). In this text, faith/trust is regarded as the quality that makes a person righteous in his relationship with God.
The context of Gen. 15:6 is also important. Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.

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