
Essay on Exposure Therapy Compared to Other Therapies

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“Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), specifically exposure therapy, has garnered a great deal of empirical support in the literature for the treatment of anxiety disorders” (Gerardi et al., 2010). Exposure therapy is an established PTSD treatment (Chambless & Ollendick, 2001) and so is a benchmark for comparing other therapies (Taylor et al, 2003). “Exposure therapy typically involves the patient repeatedly confronting the feared stimulus in a graded manner, either in imagination or in vivo. Emotional processing is an essential component of exposure therapy” (Gerardi et al., 2010). “Exposure therapy in the virtual environment allows the participant to experience a sense of presence in an immersive, computer-generated, three-dimensional, …show more content…

The patients used it this design were outpatients referred in 1992 through 1995 by professionals, Victim Support, police, ambulance, fire services, and even the subjects themselves. The criteria that had to be met in order for the subjects to be used in this study were as followed: PTSD for 6 or more months; age of 16 to 65 years; and absence of melancholia or suicidal intent, organic brain disease, past or present psychosis, antidepressant drug (unless the patient had been receiving a stable dose for 3 or more months); and diazepam in a dose of 10 mg/d or more or equivalent, ingestion of 30 or more alcohol units a week, and past exposure or cognitive therapy for PTSD (Marks et al., 1998). The therapist used a procedure manual and 4 treatment manuals which covered each session in each treatment condition. The sessions were audiotaped and each individual session lasted either 90 minutes or 105 minutes in Exposure Combined with Cognitive Restructuring (EC) therapy. The therapists that were used were a nurse therapist and a clinical psychologist. In sessions 1 through 5 of Exposure Therapy subjects were asked to imagine their previous trauma memories. Patients were asked to talk in first person tense about what they experienced, and then were asked to imagine and describe critical aspects of the trauma and "rewind and hold"

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