
Factors Affecting Class Attendance of Selected Bachelor of Science in Cruise Line Operatons Students

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FACTORS AFFECTING CLASS ATTENDANCE OF SELECTED BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CRUISE LINE OPERATONS STUDENTS A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of The College of hospitality Management Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology In Partial Fulfillment Of the requirement for the Subject CL-104 Research Methods with thesis writing Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management Major in Cruise line Operation by: VEL JOHN L. ARBON LYKA G. DAYANDANTE EMALYN JANE D. SEMANING 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page 1. Problem and its Background Introduction ................................... 1 Conceptual Framework ........................... 2 Statement of the …show more content…

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following sub-problem. 1. How do the respondents assess the factors affecting theattendance problems of selected BSHM major in CruiseLine Operation Students in termsof: 1.1 Financial Problem; 1.2 Peer Pressures; 1.3 Teacher Factor; 2.4 Family Problem, 2.5 Health Problem. 2. Is there a significant difference on the assessment of the attendance problems of selected BS Cruise Line operationstudents when groupedaccording to sex? 3. Based from the findings, what recommendations maybeoffered? 5 Hypothesis This study is guided by the hypothesis that there is nosignificance difference on the assessment of the respondentson the attendance problems when grouped according to sex. Scope and Limitations of the Study This study was focused to the following: This study will focus on the assessment to theattendance problems of selectedstudents. Only the students ofBS Cruise Line Operation (BSCO).The venue of the study was at Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science andTechnology (EARIST). This study will be form November 2012 toMarch 2013. Significance of the Study This

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