
Factors That Affect The Child

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A child is somebody under the age of 18 who is dependent on their parents. According to the NSPCC, the UN Convention on the rights states that a child is anybody under the age of 18. All around the world the age of a child depends on the culture in which the child is born into. In some societies, they believe that children are socially constructed which relates to the historical, cultural and social factors. It depends on where the child is born for their construction and what it means to the child, this then relates to the birth lottery. The birth lottery can cause problems for the child which could affect their life chances. There are three factors that could affect the child; economical factors (this concerns a lot of the time money and social status), cultural factors (religion and ethnicity) and social factors (social class). All three of theses factors can impact the child massively, again it depends on the birth lottery; where the child is born; what the race of the child is; whether the child is born into poverty or wealth and also the gender of the child. A lot of things goes off children 's parents so, for example, social mobility, where it goes off the parent 's income and social status, the child just follows their parents. Low income can affect the child 's health, living and education. If children living in 'poverty ' it could mean they are dealing with harsh experiences. In the UK alone there is 3.9 million children living in poverty (Child Poverty

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