
Family And Communication : The Positive Effects Of Family Communication

Decent Essays

Various amounts of studies have shown that family effects the way we all communicate. Believe it or not, a family is one of the key components to why we act and speak the way we do now. Family communication can have a positive and negative impact on people’s lives depending on how he or she has been spoken to as a child and a growing adolescent. Family Communication can have an effect on people depending on who their head parent or guardian is in their life. Family Communication can even affect our identity as human begins on this earth. Within this essay, I will be addressing how Family and Communication affects our lives today.
As stated above family communication effects who we are as people, especially when it comes to finding …show more content…

The fact that the young boy can communicate better with the opposite sex does not reflect his sexuality, although in some cases it may. In the American society, we live in today having a man communicate with a boy is smiled upon. Most people see father-son relationships as a way to show and challenge guidance. (Daniel S) Stepping aside from the parental aspect of family communication, we can also use siblings to help us understand how family communication has an effect on us now. Let us first discuss the scenario of not having a sibling. For children, without siblings, their communication skills can go two ways. One way would be to shut people out, because growing up the child may have never learned to trust or confide in people of their age. Now the other way their skills could be to talk to anyone who will listen. Most of the children who do not have siblings usually have the second set of skills. That is because they are used to coming home to their selves and only having to deal and compromise with themselves, (excluding parents) it makes them happy that another person is actually willing to listen to what they have to say. I know this from personal experience. For children who have siblings, they have advantage and disadvantages that help them communicate on a daily basis. Having a sibling no matter the sex helps you develop skills to communicate at an earlier age. When you have someone

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