
Fast Radio Bursts Are Astronomy's Next Big Thing

Decent Essays

Rebecca McKenney
Frontiers of Astronomy
Mrs. Alburg
14 April 2017

Summary and Analysis of “Fast Radio Bursts are Astronomy’s Next Big Thing” Elizabeth Gibney discusses the history of fast radio bursts and astronomer’s strategy to finding them in the universe in her article, “Fast Radio Bursts are Astronomy’s Next Big Thing.” She begins by defining fast radio bursts as “fleeting blasts of energetic cosmic radiation of unknown cause.” (Gibney) Gibney briefly reviles that even though FBRs were discovered a decade ago, the phenomenon has just recently been accepted as genuine. The first FRB was co-discovered by astronomer Duncan Lorimer in 2007. This FRB and 25 others that have been discovered are short. But last year, astronomers reported that “they had found a repeating FRB… (in) a faint distant dwarf galaxy 2.5 billion light years away.” (Gibney) Since the discovery, nearly two hundred FRBs has been reported from the same location. …show more content…

The main problem Gibney mentions is how to avoid being bias. She elaborates by saying that since FRBs were initially discovered when scientists were searching for pulsars, astronomers may be tempted to conclude that the phenomenon has a direct connection to objects similar to pulsars. Another way astronomers can be bias towards their search is that these searches are being “piggy-back onto those that are optimized for finding sources within the Milky Way that repeat regularly.”

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