
Feasibility And Feasibility Of Autonomous Cars

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Feasibility of Autonomous cars in India

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), India has been declared as a country with the highest number of accidents in the world. 430,654 people were killed in road traffic crashes in India in 2010 according to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB 2010). This is attributable partly to an increase in the number of vehicles on the road, and partly to the absence of a coordinated official policy to control the problem. These numbers translate into 1 road accident every minute and 1 road accident death every four minutes. Given this scenario, I was wondering ways of limiting road accidents thereby loss of precious human lives, less crimes on violations, etc. What struck me on pondering this topic for some time was feasibility of using autonomous cars on Indian roads. While surely it could bring down number of road accidents and loss of human lives, roadmap of introducing these types of vehicles needs to be clearly drawn. Feasibility study around how to handle practical glitches like slow moving traffic, traffic rules, punishable offences, responsibility vehicle operators and manufacturers would be keen. Availability of electrical energy for operating these vehicles (which is already deficient in supply), operational approach to measure success of this mode of transport, policy changes required at Central Government and different State Governments and more importantly timelines by which all related procedures, and regulatory

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