
Field Education Experience Essay

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A Critical Analysis of your Field Education Experience
Field Education starts off with having some responsibilities in training to perfect your ministries. You must first learn what ministry would best suit you. Never assumed you can do all things by yourself. Every position is not done by one person, sometimes it take personal to work it. Training is so essential to every aspect as you must know what to do. Choosing the correct field to go into and set up your goals that you want to work in. Make sure you are learning in your field. My professor told for me to pick three ministries that I would like to work in. I first look at myself and my ability to do the things I know I can perform. Knowing you can flow in the choices you made should …show more content…

What a challenge! I sometimes wonder: Should the apostle Paul be called to address a group of graduates from the seminary today, would his mes­sage for young ministers still be the Sam & would we today, in our changed and changing time, feel that the apostle was carried away with the enthusiasm of the moment if he did bring such a message? "Do the work of an evangelist." Let us con­sider: If this charge was valid and appro­priate for those entering the ministry in Paul's time, is it still valid today?

One goal ever before the apostle, and which some seem to have lost sight of today, was the vision of a finished work. As we read his writings we cannot help know­ing that he expected the work to be fin­ished and the Lord to come. As we read we also get the conviction that Paul ex­pected those called to the ministry to has­ten the coming of Jesus, and that the best way to do this was to "do the work of an evangelist."
In light of different options there is one right way of doing ministry. The field has to be worked. See it through from begin to end. Remember the actions you must take in order to be successful in life. Diligence and persistent overall cast down worries and fear. Resources, investigations, inquires shall be at the fore front of Field Education. Ask direct questions that lead into positive

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