
Film Analysis: The Breakfast Club

Decent Essays

For my second film analysis essay, I will be writing about the 1985 movie The Breakfast Club directed by John Hughes. The Breakfast Club has five main characters: Andrew, Brian, John often called by his last name “Bender”, Claire, and Allison. These five characters make up the whole plot of the story. Without them, The Breakfast Club wouldn’t exist and because of this fact, the movie is considered to be character driven. The five main characters have many conflicts that they share with the audience. The characters have a conflict with person vs person. The audience can clearly see this conflict when the group fights. They have stereotypes about each one: Andrew the jock, Brian the brain, Bender the criminal, Claire the princess, and Allison the basket case. They believe they know each other so well when in reality they know nothing about each other and this causes fights between many of the characters. The fights weren’t just between the five main characters but also between Bender and the principal Mr. Vernon. Not only do they have conflicts between each other but also with themselves. This type of conflict is called person vs self. The extremely intelligent kid, Brian, got a failing grade and thought about killing himself. Allison, the basket case, is a shy, …show more content…

These five kids are in detention and are basically angry at the world, especially Bender. They hate their families because they either ignore them or are in their business too much. The main characters believes that whatever they do isn’t good enough or isn’t right and that the world is telling them to be one way and they want to do something different. Another struggle they are enduring are their social statuses in school. If they came to school on Monday morning and spoke to one another, there friends wouldn’t understand and they would be jeopardizing their reputations and their relationships to said

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