
Finical Cost Of Higher Education

Decent Essays

Education is more than just reading and learning from books or taking test that tell what type of student you are. Being a educator is a vast career, it is not just about striking students with information. Teachers should connect with students more to improve classroom environments. Despite its work relief elements and large government programs,The U.S education system should be rebuilt on providing the same type of education for all Americans. American students shouldn’t have to spend large amounts of money just to receive a higher level of education, educators must change the way students are being misunderstood by changing their relationship with the students, and American students should not have to endure hardship like racism to obtain …show more content…

Over half of college freshmen show some concern with how to pay for college. American student shouldn’t have to spend large amounts of money just to receive a higher level of education. As i researched I came across a text that stated, “37 percent of respondents said that the net financial benefit of their education was negative” (Weiner). The author implies to the financial cost of college to show that spending thousand of dollars can result in a con outcome. Weiner use an fact to show that finical cost for college should be changed because paying tons of money without getting an vast outcome at the end is not worth it. Some American did not depend on college to have an successful future. When i interviewed one of Kipp Atlanta Collegiate janitors he stated, “ I didn't go to college because i don't want to waste my parents money¨( Izley). As Izley told his story he proved that there are many was out of going to college and being successful. If Izely went to college and didn't become successful he would have just been another percentage but he story has such an emotional appeal towards it make you second guess yourself. I pay all this money without an future did i just waste …show more content…

American student should not have to endure hardship to obtain a proper education through race. In my research in a court case a young five year old girl, “Forced to walk past serval school to reach the colored schools”. American must change the effects of students getting an education based on their skin color. Americans should feel sorry for african americans to see the struggle they had to live thru to receive the same education as a white person but got put to consequences to get that education. Not only that case but the Brown vs. Board of Education case questions, “Separate but equal”.In other words, racially segregated but ostensibly ensuring equal opportunities to all races. The Brown vs. Board of education points out that all American didn't receive the same education as other race therefore, changes should be made so everyone would be equal to the same education. Also, appeal puts an emotion effect on the audience because they would how to read about how the pain african american went through to get an

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