
Flying Spaghetti Monster Evidence

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Angola: Evidence of the “Flying Spaghetti Monster” Imagine boating along in the ocean, researching the depths of the deep blue, and running into a brain-like creature, with what appeared to be tentacles and some sort of arm like appendages, just floating along. You’d probably feel like you were in the beginning of a horror flick and start getting the hell out of dodge. That’s exactly what happened to BP crews as they were doing some research off the coast of Angola when they discovered a flying spaghetti monster lurking in the water along side them. Well, almost exactly. Real-Life Marine Monster BP company divers were working off the Angola coast collecting video footage of the deep sea. They were around 4,000 feet below the surface with a remotely operated underwater vehicle when they came across this scary looking creature. Not knowing what it was, they BP divers dubbed it a “Flying Spaghetti Monster” due to its long tentacle-looking appendages. Terrified, not knowing what this creature was, the divers video tapped it hoping to later identify what this creature might actually be. What is a Flying Spaghetti Monster? While you might picture a plate of spaghetti with wings, flying around all willy-nilly, that’s not quite what this guy is. According to researchers at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, England, this …show more content…

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