
For My Manager Interview, I Chose To Interview My Father.

Decent Essays

For my manager interview, I chose to interview my father. William Fitzgerald held three positions of power in his career as a plumber. It took him ten years to receive these roles. When he was working under his father, he was a foreman, or first manager, at the field sites. His father then passed the business to him and he became the owner, or top manager. Finally, after selling the business, he was hired as a manager at Excel mechanical. Nowadays, he’s resided to working for the Local 12 plumbers union. From what my father specified, it seems as if he was an understanding and patient manager. Like stated in Chapter 1, he possessed good human skills. Through this, he was high in agreeableness, as well. He also took his time in planning …show more content…

My father’s least favorite employees were the ones that were simply there for the money, the ones who weren’t as enthusiastic about their job. He would specify to his employees that those are not the people he would want in his workplace. Another big point that my father emphasized during the interview was his organizational commitment. As stated in Chapter 2, organizational commitment is the collection of feelings and beliefs that managers have about their organization as a whole. My father would come in to work at least 20-30 minutes early to, as he calls it, “feed the bear”, or prepare assignments, schedules, and supplies for the next coming weeks. My father would not only manage his job sites, but also work in them. First, he would have to go through a set of meetings in which they would discuss the project, budget, and how progressed the job was. He believed that a good manager didn’t simply sit around and give orders. Instead, a good manager would apply their self to the project. One thing that provided me with greater insight on how a manager operates is how prepared they must be to run a smooth business. He spent much of his time creating a schedule for the next couple of weeks and making sure that the progress matched with it each week. “On a day-to-day basis,” he described, “I would create a realistic expectation, sometimes more unrealistic ones as well, for each employee and see if they would meet it. Almost all my employees met the

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