
Gantry Anguine's The Capricorn-Personal Narrative

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The Capricorn
It was a sunny day in mid-March when I decided I would have break the sixth commandment: thou shalt not kill.
My honored duty (punishment) was to remain at the far back of the sanctuary. My post was behind a thick red curtain in a narrow doorway, through a small foyer, and into the church kitchenette. The parishioners so kindly found a stool at a second-hand shop with which I could rest when I wasn’t busy serving coffee, preparing the communion plate, or listening to the muffled sermon through speakers that crackled. The opinions of Reverend Elmer Gantry Anguine and God were the most important in my parent’s minds, in that order. The children of my family, the Folses, numbered 10 on that spring day, and my mother was expecting another blessing before …show more content…

He did not awaken as I placed him gently on the floor under the back pew. His flush face was sweet and angelic and the rhythm of his breathing created a working tune for my mundane tasks.
I began by washing the goblet that Reverend Elmer Gantry Anguine used in opulent splendor for communion as the parishioners drank the blood of Christ in small, disposable cups. The church members ate the body of Christ cut into small pieces from my home-made larger loaf. It was my honored duty to bake the bread, cut the pieces, and leave one heel that looked particularly holy on a tray beside the goblet. Reverend Elmer Gantry Anguine would consume this heel in one gulp as if he couldn’t get enough of the holiness of Christ. It cannot be said that he did not have a knack for dramatic presentation. After I had mixed the dough, I left it resting as the oven heated up. Kitchen cleaning distracted me for at least a few minutes when the slight movement of the velvet curtain (separating my space from the sanctuary) caught my attention. I had heard no one else enter. My heart pounded out a warning. Padding to the divide, my eye found a small crack to peer

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