
Gap Between Health And Social Care Essay

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Basic training and continuing education for healthcare providers should include gender consciousness and sensitization due to the power of influence it has on provider and patient interaction. Awareness can also be raised by integrating gender into health literacy programs. Quality care happens effortlessly when mutual respect, openness, and balance of roles is present. The interaction between patients and male providers is more passive compared to their female counterparts. There are also instances where individuals would rather consult with providers of their own race and gender is no longer a factor (Govender, 2007). Gender of healthcare workers has caused patients not to seek care at certain facilities. Sometimes patents and their family …show more content…

Providers may also prefer to see a certain sex depending on the reason that patient is seeking care. How a provider communicates and listens to a patent is influenced by race, gender, age, and class. Treatment may not be rendered properly if there is poor communication between the provider and patient (Govender 2007). Attention was brought to the patient provider relationship with The International Declaration on the Rights of the Patient. Patient rights and the responsibilities of the healthcare provider were outlined in this declaration. A model of care based on patient autonomy was presented to balance the power between patients and providers. The term client-centered has taken the place of patient-centered to emphasize the importance of patient autonomy (Govender, 2007). The gap between health policy and implementation is recognized as being neglected which influences performance and the care provided. The patient-provider experience can be improved if providers recognize how gender norms have an effect on health and health seeking behavior. There should be a responsibility to acknowledge the need for training so that providers are aware of the issues effecting quality

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