
Gender In Sports Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Introduction I decided to attend a women’s volleyball match at the University of Colorado at Boulder for my sport related event. Last Sunday, October 2nd, CU’s women’s volleyball team faced UCLA. Both teams are ranked in the top 25 in the American Volleyball Coaches Association (AVCA) poll therefore I thought it would be an exciting match to attend. In addition, as a student of the university I had never attended a women’s volleyball game, which is alarming considering that I am a senior. The reason I knew about the women’s volleyball team playing is because of an e-mail I received from the university earlier in the week. The blast e-mail read that our women’s volleyball team was now ranked #20 in the AVCA poll for Division I NCAA women’s …show more content…

The setting and participants of the event I attended are important when analyzing the role of gender in sport. In this, the lack of attendance in women’s sports, specifically in college,
Although the women’s volleyball team at the University of Colorado is ranked in the top 25 the lack of attendance is astonishing. In this, the lack of attendance and support of women’s sporting events illustrates the gender inequity specifically within college …show more content…

This was seen in action during my attendance of CU women’s volleyball game. The attendance numbers at Coors Event Center on Sunday during the women’s volleyball game was minimal in comparison to the attendance seen at men’s basketball games at the same venue. Coakley (2015) discusses the gender inequities at the college level by stating they “continue to lack the support that boys’ sports enjoy” (p. 494). The social dynamic of support or lack thereof in women’s sports is still evident, which was seen at the sporting event I attended. It was unfortunate to see that an institution or the student body does not support a team of theirs that is ranked in the top

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