There are many things in this world that don 't seem believable. One of them, is the number of cynical people who don 't believe in something that is so precious, but also crucial in * survival, the inner core to the circle of life. Love! Especially teen love, or some people may know it as, love at first sight. Love is everywhere. Love is all around *. Love occurs every moment each day. Everywhere * in movies, in books, there is love. Love is always there, hidden beneath the words * read and the footage * seen. Love, especially teen love should be considered the most genuine type of love out there, not some profoundly tender, passionate affection to be abused * or ignored. Take the time to think of it – love starts when people are at …show more content…
* By abandoning our family and friends, and detaching ourself from everyone who loves us to be with the one in our heart it completely becomes worthwhile in the end. Eventually, our main priority will be giving up life for them and be infinitely in love within two months. Teen love, is definitely the most crucial type of love out there. Then there is the only work of Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, that should be mostly read in class. It is the greatest love story of all time. Love at first sight, losing * virginity at the age of 12 or 13, and dying for each other. Obviously the most romantic love story for young kids to read, especially for teens. * Who cares about the values of life and the respect * one has for themselves * unless it 's your boyfriend who spends two whole months giving you the attention you need. Coincidence that the affection of Romeo and Juliet, and Bella and Edward have for each other began when they were teenagers? This goes to show how teen love is the most genuine, most true, and pure of any kind of love out there. Also in class, let 's just watch old animated Disney movies, like Cinderella. She fell in love with a man after one romantic night of dancing and music, and then was betrothed to him the very next day. This man just happened to be Prince Charming. Coincidence? Prince Charming and Cinderella were devoted to each other by first sight and were teenagers already planning to be hitched and married. This is a perfect example of teen
In Romeo and Juliet there is a strong similarity to the movie Shrek. In the play Romeo in Juliet there is a girl who is going to be marrying a man who is much older than she is but, Juliett does not want to marry him. Meanwhile before the marriage, Juliet finds a boy by the name of Romeo in her backyard also he has a hidden love for her. When Juliet sees Romeo they talk, then fall in love, a forbidden love. Soon the couple get married and live with each other forever.
If you know William Shakespeare you know the play “ The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet”, a tragic story that proves that love makes teens do crazy things. I have found evidence that teens make lots of risky discussions. Parents also affect the way teens act based on how they treat the kids. This story has many people wondering if they treat their kids bad how will the outcome turn out.
Love is a powerful force that bonds people together through anything and everything. Love will make people do anything for the ones they love and sometimes can’t see the bigger picture. In Shakespeare’s tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, two young lovers in “fair Verona” from rival families come together in love. They instantly fall in love as soon as they lay eyes on each other and have to marry each other after only knowing each other for twelve hours. Romeo and Juliet have no idea what is to come due to their actions. Young love often results in a selfish isolation from the rest of the world which causes impulsive decisions that bring unintended consequences.
but it's happening. This film highly impacts the vulnerability and unsure senses that these teens have. As the teachers could care less about what's going on in their kids love lives, the kids mostly think of it as the center of their life at the time. A level of maturity and irresponsibility come in with these thoughts and priorities.
Love is considered one of the purest yet most complicated feelings in the world. There are different types of love, friendship love, romantic love, even sexual love. We humans have evolved over time, but the concept of love has not evolved with us. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare about two young passionate lovers whose deaths unite their feuding families. Although no single character deserves all of the blame for the tragic ending in the play, Friar Lawrence can be considered partially responsible because of his decision of immediately agreeing to marry Romeo and Juliet, trusting a 14-year old with a highly dangerous potion,
Didn’t Elvis say it best when ever he said, “Wise men say only fools rush into love”. This idea is expressed throughout the world because so many mistakes are made whenever people rush into love. It seems as though love has a powerful hold on people and they just can’t help what they do once they are in love. It is as if they are almost blind to everything else around them, and also blind to the consequences that might come from their choices that they make. Teenagers seem to be more at risk for such frivolous love due to the fact they have lived such ephemeral lives. Since teen brains are not fully developed it can lead to fickle or poor decision making, and sometimes leads to making choices that result in teen pregnancy. Poor decision
Teenagers, despite the age, fall in love at some point in adolense, which shows the theme, coming of age. This shows in both the book, Perks of Being a Wallflower when Charlie starts getting gradual feelings for Sam, but it’s altered how he deals with it due to past experiences with his aunt Helen. It also shows in the movie, The Last Song when Veronica and Will start spending time together and open up to each other even though she grew up without a good view on men. Nowadays, love our age is looked at as lust, which may be true, but almost all of us go through it; heartbreak and all.
Is teenager love real love? Yes, it is real love. Love has no age, color, race, nor height. and no one can tell you who you can or can not love. As long as the person you love makes you happy and you make that person happy as well, no one can stop you from making each other happy and loving each other. Not friends, adults, or parents. However, The Capulets made Juliet's decision on who she should marry and it was going to be with Paris. The Capulet's were focused on Juliet getting married with someone who she does not love, rather than focusing on what would make her happy and make her love life easier. Juliet wants to be with Romeo and only Romeo and they are very happy together and love each other very much.
“For there was never a story more of woe/ Than this of Juliet and her Romeo” (Shakespeare V, III, 309-310). These words spoken by the Prince of Verona prove in itself that there isn’t a love story anything like Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is by far the best love story because of all the different types of love that are present. There are many different forms of love in the play but, the ones that show the most are unrequited love, friendship and romantic love.
Relationships are quite eccentric and interesting because relationships are full of ups, downs, twists and turns like roller coasters. Every little thing in a teen's life can affect as well as change the outcome of a relationship, making it either good or bad. The relationships teens have with other teens as well as other people of different age groups will always be with them and so it is important to have good relationships with everyone. It is important to be in a healthy relationship, meaning that the 2 people in the relationship are honest, trustworthy and respect one another. In April 2014, more than 4,900 teens were surveyed by, and it is said that 94% of teens believe in true love. This means that a lot of teens spend
Furthermore, in the article, Teenagers In Love, by Nancy Kalish, it provides examples of sadness. The article informs readers how many parents react to teenagers being in love. For example in the article, Teenagers In Love, Kalish says, “ Adults refer to these relationships with demeaning language calling them just puppy love…” Teens can open up about their relationships with a boy or girl hoping they could talk about it with their parents, but their parents don't take it seriously. They make fun of the relationship and soon their teens will not feel comfortable opening up to them. In the text the author says, “ … men and women wrote to me to bitterly complain about parents who joked years ago. Don't worry! Boyfriends/Girlfriends are like buses…
Romeo and Juliet one the most famous stories about love by William Shakespeare. Romeo and juliet were a pair of star crossed lovers who were destined to take their lives, for the sake that it will end a feud between their two families. Romeo’s family were the montagues and Juliet’s family were the capulets. If Romeo and juliet wouldn’t of killed themselves for the feud, they wouldn’t of been of happy together. Romeo was so quick to act in every situation, so he couldn’t really control his emotions. Both of them barely knew each other , and they only knew each other for four days and only loved each other for beauty. I don’t even think Romeo and Juliet truly even loved each other.
Everyone knows the story: amidst the fighting of two families, a girl meets the guy of her dreams, within a day they are married and, later, they kill themselves. Some people believe that Romeo and Juliet promotes unacceptable behavior in teens; however, it is a very important part of the ninth grade language arts education because it has global influence and teaches lessons to people.
In 'Romeo and Juliet', Shakespeare portrays different aspects and types of love in many ways. The obvious love is the fateful love between Romeo and Juliet although the play also displays platonic love, maternal love and aspects of adolescent love.
Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.' Erich Fromm. Romeo and Juliet is based on immature love, and is not a true love story. Love is a great source of passion throughout the world. Though love is considered a good emotion, it can also be one of the biggest flaws a person can have. When one is in love, they will basically do anything to be with the one they love. They don’t care about the number of rules they break, or how much they change themselves, as long as they can be with the one they truly love. They may take drastic measures from defying their parents and friends to committing suicide. Shakespeare shows the power of love and the