
Gibbs Model Of Nursing Care Essay

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amily and its influence over individuals is essential for providing appropriate nursing care. ii. A family basically can be thought of a group of two or more individuals who are related to each other by blood, marriage, or adoption and who usually live together. iii. Historically: the meaning of family centers around during childbearing and childrearing. Which these activities now encompass less than half of an adults life prior to old age. iv. Broader definition: a family consists of 2 or more people who are joined together by bonds of sharing and emotional closeness, and who identify themselves as being part of that family.
v. A client’s family includes any person that he or she identifies as a family member. vi. Although every family member is unique, …show more content…

Another is a relationship between siblings.

C. Parenting
i. Parenting is the ability of one or more people to help a child meet his or her needs and to guide that young person through developmental tasks. ii. Parenting is an enormous responsibility and brings rewards and challenges. iii. Although essential parental tasks include providing children with food, shelter, and safety, the ability to help children develop their own identity, self-confidence, and creativity is also of fundamental importance. iv. The lack of adequate self-esteem may play a role in the development of problems later in life, including chemical dependency, eating disorders, and depression.

D. Siblings
i. Because of continued interaction over many years, siblings (brothers and sisters) exert powerful influences on one another. ii. The sibling relationship is the first peer relationship than man people experience. iii. Siblings can fulfill many roles for each other: protector, supporter, comforter, teacher, social planner, friend, and disciplinarian. iv. Birth order often plays a large role in shaping the experiences of siblings. For example, the firstborn in a family usually recalls experiences differently than the youngest

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