
Gladys Cook Residential School Experience Essay

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Gladys Cook Residential School Experience Throughout Topadhewin: The Gladys Cooks Story, Gladys talks about her residential school experience and how it changed her entire life. I previously knew a lot about the topic on the residential school system in Canada, and how it impacted many people. I realized that actually hearing someone telling their story on this issue makes it much more horrifying than the information found on the internet. From my understanding, this movie is to educate and acknowledge the survivors of residential schools. Many people make many negative stereotypes towards Indigenous peoples which is not always true. To understand Indigenous peoples of Canada you must understand the horrifying events that the government put them through and their reasons for doing it. Throughout this short film, Gladys talks about her past residential school experiences and how it impacted her life. She discusses the good times, and the bad times and how it has shaped her into the woman she is today. Gladys Cook is a woman who is apart of the Dakota people of the great plains (Topadhewin 2006). According to Topadhewin, Gladys states that she was removed from her family and transferred into a residential school at at the age of four. She attended residential schools until the age of sixteen until she was forcibly removed and forced back onto her reserve. For Gladys, she did not want to return to the reserve. The reserve reminded her about not being able to live a free life,

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