
Global Advertising

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Global Advertising Advertising on a global scale is much more complex than advertising with a more local agenda (Kotabe & Helsen, 2004; Young, 2005). From one country or culture to the next, what is acceptable and desirable can quickly change (Levitt, 1983). That is not only true of the products or services being sold, but also true of the way those products or services are represented and offered to the public. Even something as simple as the slogan of a product must be carefully considered, because it may not translate well into another language (Hollensen, 2011). It could have a completely different meaning or connotation, and that is also true of the name of a product. Some companies have struggled with that in the past because they failed to perform due diligence before they put their product into a new and foreign market. Overall, it is much better to make sure that all the background research is performed and all necessary changes are made to the product and its packaging and representation before the global advertising campaign begins. One area that is highly important - and where many companies miss the mark - is color. Colors can represent strong emotions and feelings, and some countries associate a color with a specific type of event (Hollensen, 2011). The use of color and design on product packaging can deeply affect whether a person makes a purchase, especially in countries where some colors have deep meanings. Any company that is moving into a more global

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