
Global Online Advertising : Relevant Industry

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Global Online Advertising – Relevant Industry
In 1998, Google, Inc. surfaced online and has gradually gained a dominant role in the global online advertising industry to fuel expansion. The global online advertising industry includes social media advertising, search advertising, mobile advertising, and display and web banner advertising. According to eMarketer, Google’s products have allowed it to maintain above 30% revenue growth in 2014 for worldwide digital advertising (2014). Today, Google, Inc. still remains as the undisputed leader of the global online advertising industry through offerings of different products such as Google Search, DoubleClick, YouTube, Android, and Adwords. According to eMarketer, Google, Inc. is still the …show more content…

Even though Amazon is Google’s biggest search-ad buyer, it is also one of Google’s emerging rivals for online ad dollars. In 2013, Amazon spent over $157.7 million on Google search ads (Peterson, 2014). In 2014, it spent nearly 419.5 million on Google search ads and is considered as one of the biggest spenders on search ads (Peterson, 2014). As an emerging rival for online ad dollars, Amazon has expanded its business to sell search and display ads on its own sites as well as others to allow direct competition with Google. Recently, there has been a report from the Wall Street Journal that Amazon is planning to develop software similar to Google’s AdWords program that will allow it to place ads online. Google chiefly supplies ads on Amazon pages; however, Amazon is hoping to replace Google with a new in-house ad placement platform that could challenge Google, Inc.’s $50 billion a year advertising business (Winkler & Bensinger, 2014).
The industry is plateauing. Even though revenue share has been decreasing gradually, they still are keeping their revenue share up on a high basis. According to eMarketer, there has been a decrease in Google’s ad revenue share in the mobile Internet space (2015). Revenue share for Google’s mobile Internet ad was 52.60% in 2012, 49.30% in 2013, and 46.80% in 2014 (eMarketer, 2015). In 2012 –

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