
Globalization Essay

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The implications of globalization are greatly felt in every part of the world. One of its effects is encouraging the movement of financial capital, trade, and direct and foreign investments. This refers to the economic exchange of goods and services internationally and international financial flows. (Carr and Chen, 2001). Through the perspective of an optimistic globalist, trade has brought an increase in the volume of trade, whereas, pessimistic globalist suggests that globalization on the world economy has made the world less diverse and homogenous. ( Textbook). Under these two major themes, there are four major concepts that will guide in understanding how globalization and economics relates; stretched social relations, intensification …show more content…

With the increase of trades, more goods and services crossing national borders and spreading its influence abroad. For instance, Macdonald is a huge franchise that many investors have invest in developed and developing countries. It is an American brand that is now a household name in Europe, North-East Asia, South-East Asia, and of which shows how far globalization has spread. FDIs can also help to create more jobs for by investing in more companies and further increase more investments flowing in. As FDIs is one of the key instrumental in affecting the economy, globalization can help to further facilitate the movement of it which supports the argument of the optimistic globalist.

Secondly, the other positive effect of globalization on the world economy is how it may equalize wealth distribution. After the 2000s financial crisis, there was a slow and weak economic growth. Those in the higher income was able to suffer losses while those who were in the middle to lower income were struggling which suggest the widening in income gap. However, the idea of globalization in the eyes of the optimistic is that the increased volume of trade, the access to advancement in technology across the world and stretched communication internationally can help to improve the situation. As the world gets more interconnected, the intensification of goods and services moving across nations increases. This would suggest that there is an increase in trade which will

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