
Go Wild: Eat Fat, Run Free, By Richard Manning

Decent Essays

In this book review, I will be talking about the book that I have chosen and the reason for choosing the book. While reading the book, the most interesting topics that caught my attention is about “bodies at rest and central nervous”. What are the importance of these in our lives and what damages they can cause, if they are not effective in the body system. After I had thoroughly went through the list of the books we were required to review, I finally decided to read more about this book “Go Wild: Eat Fat, Run Free, Be Social, and Follow Evolution’s Other Rules for Total Health and Well-Being” by John J. Ratey, MD and Richard Manning. Over some months age before we started this class, I had come across this book on the shelve when I was looking …show more content…

In the olden days, there are no technology and I think that is the reason, most lived their lives to the fullest. This book also emphasizes on the disadvantages of civilization on our society, consequence of taming ourselves into the civilization, sweeping, catastrophic consequences of taming. The world’s leading causes of death and suffering-killer like heart disease, obesity, depression and even cancer-are the price we pay for ignoring our genetic code, our design. Ever since, more and more of us have been tamed, and this is what is making us ill (Ratey & Manning, 2015). This book has been a source of inspiration for me because, I am one of those that believe using the new technology treadmill in the house is the best way of losing weight, but this book emphasizes the benefit of walking in park, yard and house work under the sky with fresh air where we can also gain our vitamin D rather than using the treadmill in the house, and since then I have developed the habit of walking and running in the …show more content…

For instance, people who suffer from apnea, a common breathing malfunction that causes them to lose sleep, often suffer from depression. But Stickgold says that one study, in which the apnea was successfully medicated, and the depression was not, revealed that the depression corrected itself -showing that ensuring a good night’s sleep cured the depression. Everyone needs eight and a half hours of sleep out of every twenty-four (Ratey & Manning, 2015, pg. 131). Therefore, sleeping is very important in our daily lives, loss of sleep can lead to many diseases in our lives. Upon completion of this book and the week 2 assignment, I was able to realize the important of sleep and I think for not having enough sleep has a major contribution to my weight gain and being obese. In corroboration, the long-term effects of sleep deprivation are real. It drains your mental abilities and puts your physical health at real risk. Science has linked poor slumber with all kinds of health problems, from weight gain to a weakened immune system. Along with eating too much and not exercising, sleep deprivation is another risk factor for becoming overweight and obesity. Sleep affects the levels of two hormones, leptin and ghrelin, which control feelings of hunger and fullness. (Ann, 2017). I realized that when I started working night shift, that was when I started gaining weight drastically because I was unable to have enough sleep. When I first stated

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