From Chuck Palahniuk’s novel Diary, he writes, “[People are] always haunted by the idea [they’re] wasting [their] life”. People contemplate if what they are doing is worth their time or if what they are doing is considered a waste of time. When students complete high school, they have the choice of going to college or not going to college. They then question the pros and cons of attending college and the pros and cons of not attending college. Some people argue that college is worth going to because of the benefits college provides such as more, available opportunities or getting a higher income. They view college as an investment for the future. Despite the benefits college may provide, others find college not worthwhile and think those who …show more content…
As evidence, he includes an expert, David Autor, an M.I.T. economist. Leonhardt points out from Autor’s article in the journal Science that “the true cost of a college degree is about negative $500,000” (20). This evidence supports his claim because it clearly illustrates how much it would be to attend college. “Negative $500,000” being cheaper than free appeals to the audience because this amount is what they will gain back from working with a college degree. Leonhardt takes his evidence from an expert in the appropriate field of study who also has credentials. Economists focus on reviewing the economy how it can be improved. Their job includes researching and calculating money flow, inflation, and economic trends. Autor also received his degree from one of the most elite colleges. This makes him an expert at what he does which makes him a credible source. The fact that Autor’s article got published in the journal the Science also makes this evidence a credible source. The Science is an academic journal that is one of the top scientific journals in the world. He also includes how Autor and two other economists, Christopher Avery and Sarah Turner, calculated the cost of the tuitions and fees. The economist took the amount of the tuition and fees, subtracted it from lifetime gaps, then adjusted for inflation (20). This shows how the economist took everything into account in order to get to the results. Having more than one economist being part of the study makes this evidence credible. Leonhardt provides three economists that conducted studies that all have similar results to support each other. His claim is effective because his strong evidence proves that college is cheap, which is another reason why college is worth
What Is College For? By Gary Gutting is an analytical article upon the importance of a higher education to the public, he begins by discussing the statistics of what college has deemed worthful to people after their education. It was evident that many found it to be useful later on in life and helped them mature and grow intellectually. Gutting also points out that although many people find themselves to be successful later on after college that not everybody had the same experience, many had to drop out for the fact that a higher education was considered to be too expensive, or dropout rates too high. It is evident that he deems college to be an investment for many people who were fortunate enough to attend, therefore, providing the habits of mind of engagement, persistence, and openness to display how they play key points to the qualifying traits of a college student.
There is quantitative data on both sides of the debate about whether or not college is worth it, but it’s hard to measure some of the pros of a college education in numbers. Most agree, however, that college enriches people’s life in some way that isn’t just financial. Through encountering different perspective and getting a liberal arts education, people become better citizens of the world. Or so the argument goes. In his essay, "Colleges Prepare People for Life", Freeman Hrabowski argues that everyone should attend college, not just for the financial benefits down the line, but to enrich their worldview and prepare them to become better citizens in the 'real world '. While I agree with his view that college is one path to becoming a
In high school, every student that applied to the college of their choice always mentioned about the cost of college. Before the final decision, students had to know whether or not they could afford the college or else they would find themselves paying off a heavy debt. Even with the extremely high cost of college, Caroline Bird’s article, “College is a Waste of Time and Money,” tries to convince readers that there is little to no point in attending college. She talks about all the redundancies that college is supposedly teaching us and believes that people should just go straight to work after high school. I do agree with Bird that colleges is expensive, however, the evidence she gives to support how college is a waste of time and money was
Located in the 14th Edition of The Norton Reader, an article written by Carolina Bird titled “College is a Waste of Time and Money” can be found. In the article Bird argues that though college may be beneficial for a small percentage of students, but for the majority it is a waste of time and money. The benefits of a college degree can rely on many contributing factors, but for some college is simply a waste of time and money. Though most of the sources used in Bird's article are over four decades old, the argument today is still very strong. One example includes the idea that most students believe that college is the best thing for them to do for their future, and therefore they enroll, only to realize they are not happy and drop out. For other students their dream may have always been set on a specific career, putting college into the plan, but following graduation the job market for their degree is scarce. Within these two examples one would find support for the argument that college is a waste of time and money.
Is going to college really worth the cost ? Attending college should be about getting a higher education and figuring out what career students would pursue that they would enjoy after graduating. College should help students grow in a positive direction. Yet instead students go to college because that is expected of them after high school. Not knowing the difficulties they would have to face. Most students do not know what they truly want to do with their life. Which can be a very bad venture, especially since college is so expensive. Although opponents claim that college is a good investment, it honestly is not worth the cost because it does not guarantee employment, it burdens students with student loans, and it does not prepare students for the workforce after graduation.
In recent discussions of Is College Worth It? By John Green, a controversial issue has been whether, people should attend college or get a job after they finish high school. On the one hand, some argue that people can get a monthly income better than if they have a degree. From this perspective, some people they do not want to attend college. On the other hand, however, others insist that people should attend college after they finish high school. In the words of John Green, one of this view’s proponents, “after graduating from college, I actually made $1 per hour less when I started working as an assistant at Booklist Magazine, but the job was better in every way” (video). According to this view, he was working at Stake and Shake and he was getting better salary than what he got after graduate by 1$ less but money is not everything in life. Then he proved to the audiences through his experience that he was more comfortable with working as assistant at Booklist Magazine even he is making less money. Because he got a better job, got the knowledge, and work on something that he like. In sum, then, the issue is whether to attend college or work without a degree. My own view is that attending college is worth it even if it will cost some sacrifices of things that we can get it in the future. After, all, I have chosen to identify as a college student at Winona State University. Though I concede that choosing the university and working to enroll and pay the
College is a place where students learn what they want to be when they graduate and they use that knowledge they obtained from college to fulfill their dream by what they have studied, so hard for in college. Some people ask, “Is College worth it?” and the answer to that question is, “Yes.” A lot of people continue to disagree with that answer, but when it’s all said and done: college is worth it. That is why, there is still students that enroll into a 4-year college or a community college because they want to become successful in life which is the reason why they feel that college is worth it.
In recent discussions of “Is College Worth It?” By John Green, a controversial issue has been whether, people should attend college or get a job after they finish high school. On the one hand, some argue that people can get a monthly income better than if they have a degree. From this perspective, some people they do not want to attend college. On the other hand, however, others insist that people should attend college after they finish high school. In the words of John Green, one of this view’s proponents, “after graduating from college, I actually made $1 per hour less when I started working as an assistant at Booklist Magazine, but the job was better in every way” (video). According to this view, he was working at Stake and Shake and he was getting better salary than what he got after graduate by 1$ less but money is not everything in life. Then he proved to the audiences through his experience that he was more comfortable with working as assistant at Booklist Magazine even he is making less money. Because he got a better job, got the knowledge, and work on something that he like. In sum, then, the issue is whether to attend college or work without a degree. My own view is that attending college is worth it even if it will cost some sacrifices of things that we can get it in the future. After, all, I have chosen to identify as a college student at Winona State University. Though I concede that choosing the university and working to
Often college students will question the college experience and if it is even worth it. Why spend all that money and time for just a piece of paper. Not only that, but when someone gets into the desired workforce, is an individual ready for that career? The whole debate about if college is worth it, all started back in 1636 when New College (Harvard) was just beginning. The debate continues to press on. Usually each opinion on the subject is based on how the opinionated person is doing in the present after being done in college. If aren't making tons of money like they planned to do or working as their dream job, they might have a negative outcome on college rather than someone that is doing good after college graduation.
Dale Stephens, founder of Uncollege, a social movement supporting self-directed higher education, has a very strong belief that college is a waste of time. In his opinion piece for CNN appropriately title “College is a waste of time”, Stephens shows the downsides of going to college such as the cost of it, the consequences of failing, and how it does not prepare you for the real world. The Wabash National study held a survey asking college students and graduates what they came away with out of college. With all the data they captured, the study concluded that the majority of the groups tested believe the only things they learned from school were life lessons. The fact of the matter is, although you learn life lessons throughout your experience in college, ultimately it is a waste of time because it does not help you much academically.
Conversely, the article Poets & Quants: “Is A College Degree Worth The Money?” assumes that: “It’s true that you would be better off with a college degree. But that assumes you either have the money to pay for it or will make enough money to pay it off. It assumes you can earn your college degree, find a job and pay it off. And those are assumptions” (Allen). For some people, college is a waste of time and money, if the money is in their hands, they might attend college and complete the career they always wanted, so that in the end they receive a well-paid job, which also helps you to pay your university debt. Accordingly to students who are able to attend to college are motivated to earn their degree
Caroline Bird’s essay “College is a Waste of Time and Money” explains her beliefs on why, for some people, going to college is an ineffective and inefficient use of their time. She states that many students do not belong in college because they are there for the wrong reasons and they are not happy learning. She also gives evidence to suggest that going to college and getting a degree does not actually allows a person to make more money in their life time. Her final claim is that college does not prepare most students for the real world and the jobs they will have once they graduate.
In the debate about whether college is worth attending, many argue that college is worth it but others argue that college is not worth it. Those who argue that college is worth it contend to say that college graduates make more money, college allows students to explore career options, and not going to college will cost people more money in the future but on the other hand, those who argue that college is not worth it contend to say that college graduates are employed in jobs that do not require degrees, students who do not graduate waste their own money and the governments money, and student debt can cause another financial crisis for students who are already struggling with financial aid. While it is true that college does cause many problems already, college is worth attending and worth all the problems at the end of the road.
It is the dream of everyone to join college with the hope of getting a better tomorrow and a foundation for them to make it in life. However, this may not be the case with some students as this dream may turn into a nightmare. This is because many students fail to go through or others even fail simply because they have not prepared enough; not just academically but also on the personal side.
Now days, many people are told that they must graduate high school with good grades, so that they can get into a good college and be successful in life. Many people follow this because it’s what they have been taught their whole life. Most won’t even ask themselves, is college worth it, or is there a better alternative out there. College can be worth the time and money that is invested, for a lot of individuals, if they use it correctly. On the other hand, college isn’t for everyone and there are many reasons that make it not very appealing for these individuals. I consider college to be worth it if you use it correctly, even if it isn’t the best financial investment. While there are many people who think college is worth the time and money invested, there are others who disagree.