Gracenote Unveils Data-Driven Tech to Boost Sound Quality in Cars In its deep desire and dedication to help drivers and passengers get the most out of their music listening experience on every road trip, Gracenote has recently premiered a new technology for carmakers that automatically adjusts the equalizer settings in car audio systems for the song being played. The revolutionary Gracenote Dynamic EQ™ will employ the company’s industry standard music recognition technology and musical datasets to recognize a song and automatically fine-tune the audio system for the best possible playback for every unique track. It is the first in a series of improved audio technologies from Gracenote that is designed to boost the sound quality in the car. Drivers of today are able to listen to every song recorded across every …show more content…
He noted that the launch of Gracenote Dynamic EQ marks the first time that Gracenote or any other company, has employed track level descriptive metadata to drive the musical experience's quality. "The benefit for automakers is far and wide, helping them maximize the sound experience for high-end systems in luxury vehicles, as well as making audio systems in sub-compacts shine." Gracenote Dynamic EQ works like a personal audiophile that tweaks the car's audio system for every song played. If the driver is listening to a Biggie or Tupac song, the technology recognizes the track and certain Hip Hop attributes for the song and adjusts the EQ settings by pumping up the bass and pulling back the treble. Meanwhile, a country song just like Taylor Swift's will automatically activate a different suite of EQ settings based on the Pop Vocal nature of the song boosting the midrange where the vocals are present and high-end to add sparkle and
The search for a pop music artist turned into a singer/songwriter listening session. The programming department at Layer Deep Radio (LDR) was determined to find new music for its station.
The mission of “Musically Infinite” is to provide Affordable, professionally engineered, complete Audio production.” Musically Infinite’s goal is to become the industry standard for Audio production in the digital music era. From the veteran vocal artists, worldwide superstars, to new local artists seeking to make a name for him and herself with a high quality product usually only reserved for the elite and super wealthy. The later part of our company name “Infinite” is defined as “immeasurably great, indefinitely or exceedingly great; Unlimited, unbounded or unlimited; boundless or endless.” This term when joined with our focus “Music,” is what our core passion is, and conveys that our corporate objective is to allow an unlimited love for music to flow from our creative artists to the extent of their talents, gifts or supernatural abilities. The literary genius that is embodied within the walls of skin held
Often, we think of older people as being smarter, wiser, and generally more mature, but this is not always the case. Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger gives a number of examples that shatter this generalization, offering an alternative to age as the primary factor in one’s level of maturity. Ordinary Grace shows how maturity is a result of circumstance and does not necessarily correlate with age.
A Grace Disguised written by Jerry Sittser, is one of the most heart felt and transparent books I have ever read. The idea that our purpose and who we are is shaped through our suffering and loss, puts one in perspective to understand that our pain lies a blessing, even at times we don't understand. Jerry Sittser, a husband, son, and father of four is a true witness to what its like to experience loss and even feel hopelessness in times of despair. In the fall of 1991, him and his families lives were changed forever. Driving back home from a Native American reservation in rural Idaho, an incoming car driving extremely reckless and fast, jumped its lane and smashed head-on into their families mini-van. Rescuing his daughter Catherine and two sons David and John, Jerry Sittser had to endure seeing the lives of his wife Lynda, mother Grace, and four year old daughter Diane flash before his eyes (Sittser, 1998 pg. 26). Three generations instantly gone without any signs or warnings. Letters of comfort that was sent by mail frequently asked Jerry the question, “Why did this have to happen to your family? Y'all were the ideal family to model. If bad things can happen to good people like the Sittser’s then we’re all in trouble (Sittser, 1998 pg. 30).” In this book Jerry Sittser highlights many different aspects of how to differentiate our view of loss from both a carnal and spiritual perspective. Yes, its no debate that loss is a terrifying and dreadful event to experience, but
Ellis Island is a small island located in the Upper New York Bay. Angel Island is the largest island in the San Francisco Bay in the state of California. Ellis Island served as a national immigration station from 1892-1924. Angel Island was an immigration station from 1910-1940. Both Islands helped America grow by opening their doors to the world. Immigrants who came to America now had a chance to achieve their own dreams and to start new lives. The country was new, the government was rising up and it gave immigrants an opportunity to succeed. Life was still going to be hard but people now had a chance to accomplish their dreams. Some immigrants came to America because other governments were failing or because they saw potential in
Most successful musicians know a hidden art carried out by the work of a good sound engineer; it is essential for a magnificent album. For the rest of us novice listeners and fans, we believe what we hear through our speakers or played over the radio are the true skilled professional musicians, soaring at their craft. Most contemporary music, from pop to R&B and acid jazz to the sophisticated realm of orchestral film scores, has been modernized by several inventions encased within the studio. The art of audio engineering has taken on new forms, from the nuts and bolts, "plug it in, and see if it works" era into the digital world, because of these wonderfully tragic solutions to a
Distracted driving is becoming the one of the highest causes of fatal accidents in youth. People are becoming more and more dependent on their mobile phones due to the economic and social benefits they provide. With advancement of technology and the more widespread use of smartphones distracted driving is become more dangerous than driving impaired. Driving itself needs full focus and attention with new technologies more focused on making mobile phones more easily compatible with cars it has become increasingly difficult to eliminate the problem cell phones and mobile phones cause when linked to each other. Studies show those using mobile devices while driving are 4-6 times more likely to get into a accident, With the risk so high many cell phone use while driving has been banned in many different countries around the world(fatal distractions). The second alternative is hands-free devices allowing drivers to accept calls, compile and send text messages with ought the use of hands, but using a mobile phone whether it be hands-free or not still hinders performance and deviates the focus of the driver. Car companies have recently countered this issue by implementing new technology in vehicles. For instance, cars now come equipped with built in blue tooth and exceptional pairing applications. This technology leads to inconclusive results of using a hand-held device.
Autotune was first invented in 1997 by Dr. Harold “Andy” Hildebrand. Dr. Hildebrand founded Antares Audio Technologies in 1990 after working as a research scientist for Exxon from 1976 until 1989, when he realized that the same technology he used to detect oil reserves in the sea floor could also be used to correct a singer’s unruly notes. After leaving Exxon, Hildebrand created a program called
Polyphonic HMI is preparing to launch Hit Song Science, which analyzes the mathematical characteristics of music compared to past music hits, making it possible to determine a song’s hit potential. Music characteristics can be analyzed by math such as melody, tempo, pitch, rhythm, etc. because hit songs have common mathematical properties. Polyphonic’s Hit Song Science could be valuable for three target markets: record labels, producers, and unsigned artists. There are benefits to marketing HSS to all
Their service is offered to users as an alternative to the traditional pay-per-track services such as iTunes. The idea is to allow music consumers to listen to on-demand music from a “cloud” on the internet, instead of possessing the digitalized files on a computer.
Socrates was a great teacher and one who utilized the mind of his students more than any other resource. He wanted them to be able to come to their own conclusions, with his prompting. Theaetetus is one of the students that he pushes to discover that perception and knowledge are not in fact the same thing, as he had previously thought. Socrates slowly leads him to this discovery by first setting up multiple premises, and helping Theaetetus deduce from them.
Grace is defined as “divine help or strength … given through the mercy and love of God.” This grace can help us serve beyond our capacity to love, and in the scriptures grace is frequently used to connote a strengthening or
I do not receive a flu vaccine yearly. I do not plan on taking a flu vaccine every year in the future due to the vaccine not being more effective in preventing the flu. The CDC notes the effectiveness varies year to year due to two factors: the health and age of people being vaccinated and the match between the flu viruses circulating and the viruses used in the vaccines. The CDC reports on the effectiveness of the flu vaccine each year and has reported an average effectiveness in prior years’ ranging from 40% -60% in reducing the rate that people visit the doctor due to flu. The lowest years reported was in 2004-2005 season and 2014-2015 season with VE (Vaccine effectiveness) rate less than 20%. CDC reports the most effective vaccine
The article describes three formats of in-vehicle feedback; visual, haptic, and audio. Each of the three formats to be broke down into various systems and functions. Very similar to a database containing tables, rows, and attributes. In the visual table, there are four rows one of which is the dashboard. The dashboard contains several aids including gauges, on-board diagnostics, GPS, and lamps. The haptic table contains the break/ throttle row, were pedal pulsation will notify the operator of activated antilock-brakes or traction control. Jensen
promote its most unique and enhanced features, the shock and water resistance, as well as the high quality speakers. These will satisfy the needs of any consumer that has a passion for music as well as ease the fears of any customer that has experienced the troubles that