
Graduation Speech : College Admissions

Decent Essays

With more than 15 years experience in higher education at the university, state, and national level, I can genuinely say I enjoy my work. For many prospective students, the college admissions process is an arduous and daunting task. As a higher education administrator, college admissions and enrollment management allows me to improve the college search experience, provide avenues of opportunity, and assist students with what is potentially the first and most important adult decision they will make.
I fervently believe in the profound way in which higher education opens doors of opportunity and serves as a catalyst for change, as my upbringing was a product of it. Unlike my father, born in 1942 in Mississippi, I was shielded from the struggles many families experience in seeking a better life. And though I am not a first generation college student, listening to snippets of the experience he selectively shares, and imagining all that he overcame as a black male at a time of great strife in our country, reminds me that the struggle is not so distant in history. It is reflected, more than half a century later, in today’s less privileged and disenfranchised students who seek higher education. I find it is my belief in access to education that drives my own pursuit, as I re-enter the classroom on my journey towards a doctorate degree.
When reflecting on my undergraduate experience, the familial encouragement and support I received allowed me to take advantage of available

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