
Graduation Speech: How Semis Affect Deer And Jackrabbits

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How Semis Affect Deer and Jackrabbits

By Hannah Fiscus and Trinity Langdon
Good morning, to the people of 1899! Today for our report of the day, we are introducing the first semis. This massive truck will help all of us get the new and improved things that we need and desire today! Now on to Trinity for more information. Thank you Hannah. I am here to give you a little more of an insight about this massive truck. The semi truck has 18 wheels and it will carry more than 70% of all our goods. Because of paved roads, we are able to transport all of the necessities. They are also able to get things there in way less loads. Some semi trucks include sleepers for long trips in the process of transporting our needs, but there are also semis that …show more content…

Then the cows don't have to wait as long to get there food. If you have a dairy cow you can also hold and transport the milk to place to place. On the farm it is kept in a cooler where it is kept fresh and cool. After it is ready to go on the store they ship it in a semi. They come to the farm and ship it to a local dairy production. After that it is shipped and kept cool in the insulated semi. The jackrabbit population can have a negative effect from the semi's. The roads that will have to be build will take away the land that the rabbits live on. The dirt and the shrubs that they hide in will be covered up. They will also have to move away because of all the traffic that comes they will get scared. They are not used to the loud noises and will have to adapt to their surroundings. Another negative affect that comes from the semi's are they don't see the jackrabbits crossing the roads. Jackrabbits are tiny and a semi is a very fast moving vehicle. When the jackrabbit tries to cross the road and doesn't see the semi coming it could get smashed and killed. They are also not used to the semi's so they don't know that they are coming. The pollution that the semi truck gives off is a great amount. They are a major source of smog, and toxic

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