
Gwen Sullivan's 'In Contempt'

Decent Essays

“In Contempt” is a television show on Black Entertainment Television created by Terri Kopp. “In Contempt” revolves around the world of a New York City legal aid office. The lead role, Gwen Sullivan, is a public defender for those who cannot afford to choose an attorney. The episode in question is numbered six and is title “Banned”. The viewer watches as Gwen Sullivan as she faces struggles within her field of employment. Ethics are the beliefs about right or wrong in the workplace characterized by social expectations of people's moral actions. In society, we have ethical rules guiding our daily interactions. Although the show is a work of fiction, we can see it through the lenses of ethical issues and dilemmas.
Clients have some protections in terms of privacy and expectations that information will not be made available for everyone to see, referred to as confidentiality. Clients are responsible for keeping personal identifying information, such as addresses, phone numbers, and Social Security numbers, confidential and only available to those people within the organization who need this information for legitimate purposes. The textbook refers to Model Rules of Professional Conduct when it …show more content…

The rules do state that lawyers are prohibited from engaging in sexual relationships with a client. Relationships between one’s superior raises many ethical dilemmas. The textbook, Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice, refers to ethical issues regarding judge’s decision without personal bias. The sexual relationship can cause bias whenever it comes to Tracy Campbell’s cases in the courtroom. There have been cases where punishment has been made to judges who conduct in sexual acts within the courthouse. It is shown in the show “In Contempt”, that Tracy Campbell and Judge Dawson were having sexual encounter in his

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