
Habitat For Humanity Restore Analysis

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The central point that I acquired from this article by Teju Cole is that We as Americans should focus on making a difference from closer to home. Cole interlaces his background into many ideas that he presents throughout the article, and it helps the readers understand a different point of view, especially with the specificities of foreign policy. Cole mentions that people who want to modify Africa should start by using their power to establish and dominate theories that are already put into place. For instance, as Nigeria being one of the oil suppliers, during the events of Kony2012, as Cole mentions, the government only cared about the supply of oil rather than Nigeria protest. I am a womyn of color who was born and raised in India. My whole life I have been sheltered. My parents own a business and being able to work at the ReStore gives me a perspective on how hard my parents work to secure mine and my brother's future. I have had the chance to help my parents with their business which inspired me to declare my major as a Business Management Economics and it gives me the opportunity to see how sales and profits work under many given circumstances. Furthermore, with knowledge of business through my parents, it helps me connect my skillset to ReStore as well. …show more content…

My internship at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore allows me to help people have a better living situation and better futures and gives the opportunity to give back to the community as well. Habitat for Humanity is known to build homes for low-income families and provide them with the ability to be economically stable. The second part of Habit for Humanity which is the ReStore earns profit that is put towards building the houses. Furthermore, The financial support for these houses comes from the community who are compassionate to help each other out in the

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