When assessing the health and well being of a population, one must be able identify common health care deficits. Once identified, a nurse can plan appropriate interventions to address health care deficits and improve the population’s overall wellness. The presence of vulnerability among populations make the skill of recognizing and addressing such deficits of vital importance for nurses. In the United States, as well as throughout the world, one such vulnerable population is school-aged children. Ranging in years from 6 - 12, the school aged child is honing the physical, emotional and social skills necessary for their development. Among school-aged children, regardless of region, nationality or gender, there is a deficit in self-care. Whether
Young people should have positive relationships with primary care givers, education staff and peers as this leads to higher levels of self-worth, high self-esteem and a positive self- image. This positive outlook on life may lead to that person becoming more approachable and popular individual. Structure, routine and boundaries should be put in place and positive reinforcement is to be used, this allows an understanding of the young person’s position within their society and leads to a more settled and well balanced individual. Positive and dependable role models allow the young person to model the behaviours of well-balanced, well behaved and already resilient individuals. Positive encouragement offered to young people may lead to higher levels of self-esteem and enables the young person to develop an optimistic attitude about learning new skills and having the ability to keep trying when things become challenging. Regular attendance to education should be encouraged, ‘Schooling may be vital in enabling children to make the best of
Historically the United States of America took pride in free trade and capitalism. Taxes on goods was a key driving force that began the American Revolution and later developed the power-house country present today. So, it is no wonder that when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) incurred new tax reforms, it was far from a smooth transition. In particular, pharmaceutical companies were hit the hardest. Within a ten year span, the drug industry will collectively have to pay $85 billion to the American government.1
Another benefit of a child’s individual needs being met is that they pick up the chance to enhance their own particular capacities, self-esteem and self-confidence. With energy
Child physical, communication and intellectual, social, emotional and behavioural development from birth to 19 years.
3n. Why has out of pocket spending been trending up over the last 20 years? Kelton opines that there has been such a forceful movement away from employer based insurance that the employer based system will collapse. (Kelton & CFEPS, 2007, para. 38) For the employers that
The changes to both student health needs and healthcare during the 21st century have an impact on school nursing practice today. It was because of these changes that the “National Association of School Nurses (NASN) developed the visual and conceptual Framework that explains the key principles of school nursing and provides structure and focus to current evidence-based school nursing practice” (NASN, 2016, p.45). The ultimate goal of the framework for the 21st century “is to provide a resource to guide school nurses in their practice” in order “to help students be healthy, safe, and ready to learn” (NASN, 2016, p.45). The framework for the 21st century school nursing practice consist of
One of the major functions of a nurse manager is managing a budget and allocating resources necessary to manage the unit or facility effectively. “Major steps in the budgeting process include gathering information and planning, developing unit budgets, developing cash budgets, negotiating and revising, and using feedback to control budget results and improve future plans”(Yoder-Wise, 2012, p. 244). The nurse manager must be able to accommodate variances and acclimate the budget in both the projections and up-to-date expenditures. Proficiency in managing a unit level budget is essential for both a favorable variance and optimal patient outcomes. Budgeting entails reviewing revenues and expenses, staffing costs, supplies, and capital equipment costs (Contino, 2001). This case study examines personnel, overtime (OT), supplies, travel, equipment, and staff education and the manner in which management can address these factors.
The signing of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 was a big step forward in fixing the broken healthcare system in the United States. Unfortunately the law did not do enough to help a large segment of the population achieve its named goal. Due to high deductibles and other cost sharing in lower tier plans, healthcare continues to be unaffordable to many.
The underlying issue is the financial challenges and lack of resources SNF’s face, in a growing elder population, that results in razor-thin operating margins from a series of cuts over the last five years, a gap between care people receive and the care they deserve and further reductions to the profession that threaten access to health care in rural areas (AHCA, 2016). In 2012, MedPAC estimated the overall operating margins of SNF’s at 1.8 percent reflecting Medicare, Medicaid, and Private Pay sources of funding operating at negative levels (AHCA, & NCAL, 2016). In addition, AHCA estimated on any given day, 78 percent of residents receiving care in an SNF depend on Medicare or Medicaid to pay for their care (2016). Furthermore, an estimated
Today, health care issues within the United States are still a major concern in regards to where people of our communities do not always agree with what is being done and what is not being done. The three major issues with health care spending is how much is it going to cost and where is the money going to come from? The amount of per-patient costs have doubled more in the United States than other nations around us. The last issue is the amount of Americans that has no health care at all. This paper will discuss the healthcare expenditures that is necessary for our entire population.
As the school nurse role evolves, there are increasingly more health concerns for the school
The nurse is also vital in communicating health matters between home and school as well as health care providers and school. Chikani and Plonski-Fuqua (2006) state that the most common medical conditions a nurse may encounter include asthma, diabetes, severe allergies, stoma tube care, NG tube care, behavioral health, epilepsy, and cerebral palsy. In order to provide appropriate care for the students the school nurse must have experience in an acute care setting, pediatric assessment, mental health experience and good knowledge of developmental stages of children. Most school nurses work individually so it is important that the nurse is capable of providing the right interventions and is able to recognize emergency situations.
As Nurses, we often ask ourselves what more can we do than is currently being done to improve the health of our clients not only in an individual sense but as a community. We are required by the scope and standards of nursing to ask ourselves this type of question by virtue of our profession and indeed is a baccalaureate nurse essential as well. We are in a unique position as nurses to have the most interaction with the community of patients we serve, and we often see the issues that affect the communities we serve more readily. One such issue that is undeniably
For this essay there will be a critical evaluation of the counselling approaches and skills that are used which can guide the practice of education professionals and benefit relationships with children/ young people in supporting their social and emotional well-being. The approaches that will be looked at and compared are the Person-centred approach and the Psychodynamic approach. The approaches will be discussed and linked to the use in an educational context by teachers with children and young people. The strengths and weaknesses of these approaches will also be examined. It is important for teacher to support children and young people’s social and emotional development right for the start of their educational experiences in the early years. The statutory frame work for the early years published by the department for education in 2014 makes sure that every practitioner follows by law the learning and development requirements of every child. The DFE 2014 suggests educational programs have to include activities and experiences involving the children as suggested: personal social and emotional development entails assisting children to develop an encouraging view of themselves, and others; to make positive relationships and develop respect for others, progress on their social skills and acquire the skill how to deal and control their feelings, to know how to behaviour correctly in groups and to have self confidence in what they can do. From this practitioners can pick up on
Medicare is another section that will feel some relieve from practices brought from the Act. As mentioned before, the cost of health care is expensive, therefore making it difficult for those under the Medicare plan to seek preventive services. Before moving forward on the effects of the Act on Medicare, one must first explain some of the benefits of Medicare. Medicare is the nation’s largest health insurance program, it serves more than forty-two million enrollees, and it was originally established to provide access to health services for the elderly (Carroll, 2009). One can grasp the idea that the nation, along with its government, has made constant efforts to support the health of all Americans. This especially true for the ever growing