
Health Care

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There are many differences in health care reform and access between the United States and Germany. The United States health care exceeds all other countries by 17.1% as well as leading in new medical technologies, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Even though, the U.S. is a leader in health care, not all U.S. citizens have healthcare coverage. In Germany, the national healthcare spending in 2013 was 11.2%, much lower than the U.S. Every resident in Germany has health care coverage, be it through the public health insurance system or private insurance.(Squires and Anderson, 2015)

A2. Healthcare Access
The U.S. government greatly influences health care cost and expenditures for citizens. The …show more content…

However, if you become unemployed, unemployment insurance continues to pay for healthcare premiums, therefore the unemployed remain covered. Consequently, when a person retires, healthcare coverage continues with the cost of premiums covered by the pension fund. Also, children remain covered by the sickness fund, but the premiums paid by the government.

A2a. Coverage of Medications
There are many differences between Germany and The U.S. in obtaining prescriptions. Germany regulates the cost of pharmaceuticals, by offering rebates, discounts, and fixed prices for medication is due to the sickness fund. Also, the sickness fund and the pharmaceutical companies negotiate the price of medications, making medications more affordable. In Germany, prescriptions coverage factors at 46% when the U.S. factors at 60% which includes all ages. Consequently, many Americans experience financial burden and have difficulty obtaining prescriptions due to access and cost. It seems the lower income is less healthy, so they are likely to require more prescriptions. Therefore, assistance for a limited number of prescriptions is available through the Medicaid state program for the lower income, disabled, pregnant women and children. As a result, the Medicaid deficit reduction act created in 2005, which requires pharmaceutical companies to provide rebates to each state. In addition, generic prescriptions are available for lower income and unemployed at a

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