
Health Communication Tactics

Decent Essays

Providing an evidence-based health communication campaign focused on prevention of U.V. exposure, is vital to reducing the populations risk to skin cancer, will produce a reduction in the incidences of skin cancer, and will ultimately save lives. The World Health Organization estimate 2-3 million skin cancers, with 132,000 being the most deadly form (melanoma), occur each year on a global scale, yet is preventable when limiting exposure to U.V. radiation (Shum, 2012). Conventional approaches to health communication campaigns via media advertising, or printed posters, are retiring their use in the face of telecommunication technology (Shum, 2012). This campaign proposes the use of such technology, with the trends, best practices, and rationale behind its use outlined below. Strategies and Tactics As modern society carries smart phones with them wherever they go, marketing opportunities are created making it possible for someone to browse the internet, use a search engine, watch a video, connect with social networking, just about anywhere they are at any given moment. As a matter of fact, 79% of …show more content…

radiation and the practice of tanning. Likewise, this strategy can harness cell phone technology for the development of an app in which users can not only learn how to detect suspicious lesions, but use the high resolution cameras connected to smart phones to take pictures of their lesions to send to their physicians. In turn the physician can encourage them to come in for an examination, and further discuss measures and interventions to prevent or halt the spread of skin

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