
Health Problems Of India Faces A Large Health Care Crisis

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Sasha Stephens 12-23-15 SAST057-301 Prof. Gangulee Health Care Crisis in India

It does not go unnoticed that India faces a large health care crisis. Oddly enough, the topic is not well discussed in politics although it being an serious issue within the country. The media does a poor job of expressing the situation at hand to those who are unaware and unprivileged. India faces deep inequities due to the lack of government funding. It is clear that health is not an issue to those who are privileged, but obviously it is troublesome to those who are not. The socio-economic inequality India is aware of their issue and is trying to find an answer to their long standing health issues. Consequently, the lack of advertisement for the pressing issue such as health, affects the children as well. India’s immunization rates are among the lowest in the world. That leads to early illnesses and diseases within the youngest generation of India. For as “developed” india is, it seems as if they should have higher rates than the undeveloped countries in sub-Saharan Africa. India just faces a massive inadequacy in health care. The three main causes in the inefficiencies of the health care system in India are access difficulties: geographical distance, socio-economic hindrances, and the gender gap. The issue of geographic distance is very important and plays a significant role in a large country like India that has a limited way of

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