
Essay on Health Risks in the Media

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Health Risks in the Media

There is no cure for the common cold. But when we find that cure, another ailment in society will be healed. Unfortunately, this is not the way the media depicts health risk. Instead, they use disease and danger to profit. The more frightening and uncontrollable a danger, the higher the price tag is. The media resorts to exaggeration and misrepresentation in order to make money. The reasoning for these unscrupulous tactics is best explained in the book, Unreliable Sources. It explains that the media has two contradictory goals: a) to provide a public service, and b) to make money. Contemporary American media has chosen to focus on the latter. In the pursuit of this goal, they have become less …show more content…

In truth, the problem is not nearly so large. Some estimate that 1 in 500,000 or more surgeries will have this phenomenon; many times the chances are even less than those so graphically described. It occurs in .00002% of all surgeries and .0000027% of the general populous. This hardly constitutes a major problem compared to other problems like surgical errors, misdiagnosis, poor treatment procedures and other dangers in a doctor's office. This ailment was focused on because it is new, shocking and scares readers into reading next week to find out more. This is becoming the norm for other uncommon diseases, such as Ebola which is becoming clichéd.

The danger of Ebola has become a metaphor for terror because-despite the efforts of scientists-there is no cure for it. The symptoms are shocking, grotesque and violent, and there is no miracle medicine or vaccination to stop it. It is so terrifying that it has been the model for many works of popular fiction such as The Andromeda Strain, Hot Zone and Outbreak-a cross between Steven King and Walter Cronkite. That is where the media picks it up. When it was realized that people were afraid of Ebola, it became a favorite article subject. Reporters described the extreme danger of a strand of virus like Ebola appearing in the United States and killing millions. They fail to mention, however, that several agencies are already in place to prevent this. Ebola has been around for almost a hundred years

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