
Henry Ford's Impact On Society

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In our history, there has been very few people that was able to revolutionize the way of life not just for American’s but the world for over one hundred years and for years to come. Even though henry Ford didn’t invent the first automobile he was able to modernize to automobile and made it affordable for everyone to afford one. Henry Ford streamlined mass production assembly lines that countless manufactures use today.
Henry was born on July 30, 1863 on the family farm in Wayne County, Michigan. In 1879 Ford’s first job in Detroit only lasted six days and bounced around working at different machine shops eventually completing an apprenticeship in 1882. Early on Ford experimented with engines being added to bicycles and in 1896 his quadricycle. In 1901 Ford designed his racer that beat Alexander Winton of the Cleveland auto manufacturer. Ford’s car was build better and out lasted Winton.
In 1903 Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company. Ford applied an auto license from Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers (ALAM) but was denied. They thought Ford lacked the experience needed to produce automobiles. Ford bucked the system and developed automobiles without the consent of ALAM. Ford was later sued by ALAM for patent infringement and later on Selden’s patent was meaningless. ALAM subsided, and Ford was vindicated. Ford continued …show more content…

Ford also changed the way we work. Everyone had a specific job and not multiple jobs. If your job was to install a tire that’s all you did. It was endless repetition but it was efficient. Ford also developed the assembly line. Before the assembly line the works had to wait for the person ahead before they could do their required task. He streamlined the process where the workers stayed place and the automobiles came to them. This process is still used today a crossed the

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