
High School Vs. Dual Enrollment

Decent Essays

I feel as though everyone will come to a point where they can look back and truly discover how they’ve grown from their learning experiences. And in the observing of your past, once can see what has made them who they are to this day. In my schooling, I have worked to the point of my first English collegiate class while still a senior in high school. It’s an achievement that will affect me for the rest of my life. And so far, this class has helped me grow and learn things that weren’t possible in previous classes. Having this class paint a picture I have never observed before, it pointed out the strengths and weaknesses I have developed over the course. And with maturity in play, these lessons and realizations can be applied to my future academics and even beyond. High school English and Dual Enrollment specifically has shown me my progression as a student by revealing my past learning and uncovering ideas I never knew were relevant to me, that can be applied to my future aspirations an pursuits as a college student and forever learning in life.

This English class has indeed helped me grow over the course load and lectures. For example, I now know how to write about a topic that I am not interested in whatsoever. Many of the English classes before this one, I did not have to apply myself as much which helped me not care about the topic being discussed. However, being in a difficult collegiate class, I must try my best whether I am interested in the assignment or

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