
Hiring And Retaining A Motivated Workforce

Decent Essays

All organizations face the task of hiring and retaining a motivated workforce. Organizational motivation is a process which includes intensity, direction and persistence exerted by an individual when reaching for a work-related goal (Robbins & Judge, 2009). Job design is an essential element of creating positions that offer motivating characteristics whereby employees will gain a sense of achievement and satisfaction (Fischer, n.d.). Managers can leverage a variety of tactics within the area of job design that can include various alternative work arrangements and job flexibility when creating positions that employees will find desirable. Employers can intrinsically motivate employees by offering flexible working arrangements that ultimately benefit the organization through increased job satisfaction and productivity. Problem Statement The issue being addressed concerns an organization’s ability to motivate employees through offering flexible work arrangements. As will be discussed in more detail below, alternate work arrangements and autonomy are two concepts that are related to motivating employees through job flexibility. Alternative work arrangements such as job sharing and telecommuting can increase job satisfaction and are associated with increased employee motivation. Offering flexibility gives autonomy, which also increases job motivation and satisfaction (Gerdenitsch, Kubicek, & Korunka, 2015). Alternate Work Arrangements Alternative work arrangements, such

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