
Hotel Business : A Hospitality Business That Focuses On Accommodations, Food And Beverage, And Types Of Amenities

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I chose to do Hilton Hotels which is a Hospitality business that focuses on accommodations, food and beverage, and different types of amenities. Hilton Hotels are an example of Commercial Recreation because they have the intent on making a profit. (Crossley, 2001). Hilton Hotels was founded in 1919 by Conrad Hilton. Conrad was always a hard worker; he served on a state legislature board in New Mexico and fought in World War I before ever getting into his hospitality career. Inspired by the advice of his mother, who told him he could do anything, he had big dreams to buy and run his own business. He initially had his sights set on a bank in Texas, but spur of the moment, he bought The Mobley Hotel in Cisco instead. I do not think that Conrad realized how profitable the hotel business could be at the time, but due to an oil boom, the rooms in the hotel were being sold nearly three times a day (unexpected success of business). After seeing the success of his small business, Conrad decided it was time to expand and started buying and building hotels throughout all of Texas and New Mexico, and eventually up into Chicago and New York. He finally formed his own Corporations in 1946 and quickly grew to Hilton International Company by 1948. (About our founder, 2015) This made Hilton the world’s very first hotel chain to go international. The reason Hilton hotels became so successful is because he took advantage of providing the newest technology and updates in each of his

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