The adductors as a group are really a powerhouse. They have a lot of combined muscle fibers and through their attachment sites on the pelvis and the femur, significantly influence the body’s alignment. Because they originate and have such a presence on the pelvis, shortened adductors will influence the tilt and transverse rotation of the pelvis. The thorax is intimately connected and sometimes anchored to the pelvis through muscles such as the Quadratus Lumborum, the Rectus Abdominis and the Transverse, Internal and External Obliques. Any shift in the pelvis toward neutrality as a result of bodywork on the adductors will directly affect the muscles that connect the pelvis and the thorax and thus will create space for the thorax to shift
Q5: In case abdominal muscles are weak, the erector spinae muscles can hyperextend lower back to correct back extension activities. Therefore, the abdominal muscles are weaker than the erector spinae because they tilt the pelvis forward improving the mechanical positioning of the erector spinae. Examples of affected exercises are like squat, military press and dead lifts of which can be corrected by the
during these movements, the angles of those joints, as well as the muscles involved during the
A, an unloaded knee. B, when valgus loading is applied, the medial collateral ligament becomes taut and lateral compression occurs. C, this compressive load, as well as the anterior force vector caused by quadriceps contraction, causes a displacement of the femur relative to the tibia where the lateral femoral condyle shifts posteriorly and the tibia translates anteriorly and rotates internally, resulting in ACL rupture. D, after the ACL is torn, the primary restraint to anterior translation of the tibia is gone. This causes the medial femoral condyle to also be displaced posteriorly, resulting in external rotation of the tibia. ( 63 )
Next is the semitendiosus muscle with the point of origin at the ischial tuberorsity and insertion at the upper anterior medial surface of the tibia. The action of this muscle is extension of the hip, flexion of the knee, and internal rotation of the hip and knee. The soleus is a muscle located near the ankle and foot. This muscle’s origin is the posterior surface of the proximal fibula and proximal 2/3 of the posterior tibial surface. The point of insertion is the posterior surface of the Achilles tendon. The intended action of this muscle is plantar flexion of the ankle. The final muscles come from the trunk and spinal column. Rectus abdominus has a point of origin at the superior surface of the pubis around syphysis and an insertion at the inferior surfaces of costal cartilages (ribs 5-7) and the xiphoid process of the sternum. The intended action of this muscle is to depress the ribs and flex the vertebral column. Transverse abdominus is the next example. Its origin is the cartliges of the lower ribs, iliac crest, and lumbodorsal fascia. The point of insertion is the linea alba and pubis, and the intended
This can be due to several causes such as fatigue, overuse, or improper muscle use. Muscle strains usually occur in the back in the lower back, neck, or shoulder (Healthline, 2015). The mid back, or thoracic back, is both a unique and complex anatomical structure. The complexity that makes the back so unique also predisposes the back to injury. Twelve vertebral bones comprise the thoracic spinal column, the ribs, muscles, tendons, nerves, discs, and blood vessels according to Martini (Martini et al, 2014). These tissues function to give support to the upper body while aiding in the movement of the upper body and arms. Vertebrae T1-T10 articulate with each rib in two locations, and restricts mobility of this area of the spine (Martini et al,
This occurs when the the intercostal muscles contract and the thorax found in the ribs moves
Throughout the article, my attention was grabbed straightaway when the author discussed bending, twisting, and extensions of the spine because we do a great deal of that in modern class. Personally, I do not have strong trunk muscles and it’s something that I struggle with every day. I feel that because of this reason is why I struggle with low back pain when doing planks and side planks. It is very hard for me to keep my spine stabilized so that it will not sink down.
A group of muscle make contact with other muscles and their contractions allow for actions to be done. There are nine anatomic terms that are associated with the hip. Instead of using basic terms doctors use anatomic terms that describe precise directions. Anterior is the front side of the hip in oppose, the back side of the hip is posterior. Medial is the side of the hip that is towards that back portion of the body near the spine while lateral is the side of the hip farthest away from the spine. The hip is capable of adduction which means raising the leg away from the body and lowering the leg toward the body which is called abduction. Lastly proximal, distal, and inferior are additional terms used to describe the functions of the hip. Humans are able to stand, walk, run, and jump because of the flexibility of the hip
To renovate a vehicle is a tough job. It takes patience. The process needs to not be taken lightly because one little mistake can cause destruction. It may be an easier job if the vehicle has no dents or scratches. If there is any dents or scratches, the bodywork has to be done before the paint can be put on. First, the bodywork will have to be done, then the primer goes on, and finally the vehicle can be painted. Those are the key tricks to a perfect ride.
In our bodies we need energy so that we could do things that are possible such as; move our muscles, talk and all the other things that we do. Without energy all humans would be useless not being able to do anything. Energy is needed to extract the oxygen from the areas in our bodies and diffuse it into our bloodstream. As warm blooded we can only digest food and function if our bodies are at a certain temperature and have enough energy, and energy is required for this. We need energy to move our muscles which also only operate when they are warm. Coldblooded humans use the energy from the environment as well as from their food. Energy is the capacity to do work in our bodies. That means doing
The external oblique is located at the bottom edge of the rib cage,and is relatively close to the skin. The external obliques help rotate the trunk of the body, but they also help pull the chest downwards which causes compression of the abdomen. A minimal function that the oblique can carry out is the rotation of the spine. Oblique strains are most common in runners because the obliques help stabilize the torso, and ultimately aid the amount of stress that gets put on the hamstrings while running, and since they play a significant part in running, they are often overused.
Weakness in the abdominals can have a snowball effect on posture and will be discussed later.1
Exercise is able to make our body change and be modified to certain intensity or a certain type of exercise. It affects the way we move, our temperature change, the health of our organs, movement of joints and the ability to push our heart to pump blood faster. Once we begin to exercise; the body has to respond to the change in intensity in order to maintain a constant internal environment (homeostasis). Acute effects of exercise affect our musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system. The musculoskeletal system is the grouping of the muscular and skeletal systems that work together and includes the bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body. The cardiovascular system (or the circulatory system) is an organ system that
To maintain effectiveness of muscle and bone activity, the effects of on the musculoskeletal system are the greatest benefits a person can ask for.
Aristotle once said, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” However, the validity of this statement has been argued for centuries. How is one to measure each part and compare that sum to the sum of the whole? It simply can’t be done. To resolve this problem, Kurt Koffka offered, “It is more correct to say that the whole is something else than the sum of its parts because summing up is a meaningless procedure, whereas the whole-part relationship is meaningful.” This revised concept can actually be applied to the human body because its internal balance is due to fine-tuning on behalf of the different systems that work within it. If one system were to fail, the rest would soon follow, resulting in the destruction of the body. Therefore, the systems in the human body interact to help it maintain homeostasis, which affects the functioning of the body as a single unit.