
How Does Cloud Computing Enhance Data Management? Essay

Decent Essays

1. How does Cloud Computing enhance data management? Share specific advantages. Cloud computing enhances data management in several ways. One specific advantage is that you can store your data on a virtual platform and access it at any given time via different devices– either by only yourself, or collaboratively. Google Drive, for instance – especially Google Slides and Google Docs – are cloud computing mechanisms that enable me to collaborate with others on projects. My team members and I can simultaneously add information to Google Drive, which is updated in real-time, and store our documents, presentations, spreadsheets, etc. virtually. Google ensures that our work is continuously saved, and we do not have to worry about losing it (as opposed to my Mac’s Microsoft Word, which may or may not recover a file if it automatically crashes). Scalability is yet another way that cloud computing enhances data management. I, personally, am always receiving alerts that the storage on my iPhone is nearly full. Rather than delete all of the pictures on my phone without being able to access them on my mobile device at a later time, I can use iCloud. Synced already with my MacBook, I pay 99 cents per month to Apple for a larger iCloud storage space, and can place photos, music, and the like within the system without having to worry about it getting lost or taking up too much room. iCloud has also proven useful in storing my contacts, mobile apps, and notes – if I break or

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