
How Does Popcorn Make It Better

Satisfactory Essays

Its puffy, it's salty, it's buttery, what could it be? You can use your 5 senses to describe popcorn. Popcorn can be any flavor you want but this is what popcorn traditional seems like when you think of it. Also when thinking about popcorn you might see how different each one is. When the popcorn is popping what do you see? It's very puffy , like a cloud. The color is yellow and white, those are the two main colors of it. Each and every popcorn kernel is different. Another way to think of popcorn is by smelling the deliciousness of it. You can smell from anywhere in the house! Popcorn can be buttery, salty and even burnt. When you are not paying attent to the popcorn. It well not leave a good smell in the house. In addition to the smell

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