
How Does Read Signals That Our Body Is Sending Us?

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How To Read Signals That Our Body Is Sending Us? Maria Konnikova in her essay “Why Do We Eat, and Why Do We Gain Weight?” talking about how our bodies deal with hunger. Why do eat more than we actually need? Obesity is a big problem nowadays and we don’t really know how to deal with it. A lot of times we call oversized people lazy and say that they can’t control what they eat. But how many times we caught ourselves of not being able to stop eating even though we were already full? How does it work that we can’t resist food? It’s because we’re unaware of what’s going on in our bodies. All the chemical reaction and tricks that our body can serve us leads to false hunger that we feel. We have to learn to read the signals that our body is sending us, to stay healthy. There’s a lot of research that explains how our body deals with hunger. Konnikova starts her deliberations by pointing out that, “Being genuinely hungry … in the sense of physiologically needing food—matters little.” We can feel full after a meal, but receptors from the outside, like smelling, seeing, reading or even thinking about food can make us feel hungry again. We can all associate with that feeling when we want to eat something, and it’s not because we’re hungry, but because we want to. It has nothing to do with a need of our body. The author clarifies that, “Recent studies show that our physical level of hunger, in fact, does not correlate strongly with how much hunger we say that we feel or how much food

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