
How Does Tyrone Bittings Change In Bronx Masquerade

Decent Essays

Bronx Masquerade In the realistic novel Bronx Masquerade by Nikki Grimes students in Mr. Ward's class change as a result of their experiences in Open Mike Friday’s. Tyrone Bittings and Lupe Algerin are two characters who change immensely because of Open Mike. First off, Tyrone Bittings is a teenager who does not like school. At the beginning of the novel,Tyrone does not think he has a future. “These white folk talking bout some future, telling me I need to be planning for some future- like I got one” (70). Tyrone is convinced that he does not have a future. He thinks that since he will not have a future he does not need to plan for one, so he does not need to attend school. He does not think white people understand because they do not live in the bad conditions that he does. Towards the end of the novel Tyrone’s point of view on school changes. “Any chance I’ll see you next year… I want to let you know we’ll be hosting a poetry slam here next year,’’ said Mr. Ward. “And guess what. All of the sudden, the man’s got my attention”(165). …show more content…

Lupe feels that she needs a baby to giver her lover and attention and she thinks this will make her life complete. Lupe says “I should make a baby of my own. Maybe that’s the answer… And she would love me better than anybody. Because I was her mother”(36). This quote shows how much Lupe believes that a baby would show her the love that she wants. Towards the end of the novel, Lupe has totally turned around the way she thinks about her future. Lupe says, “Mr. Ward says if I keep pulling up all my other grades they way I’ve pulled up my grade in English, I should be able to get into a decent college when I graduate that’s what I’m planning on”(147). After all this happened Lupe finally realized she does not need a baby to feel loved. She needs a job and a good career to move forward with her

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