
How Government Should Operate A Strong Central Government

Decent Essays

In 1787, a set of new proposals for how government should operate came into action to what is known today as the “Virginia Plan”, which had the primary purpose of creating a strong central government. This plan consisted of the proposals to divide the powers of the federal government among three separate branches. These three branches were the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch.
The legislative branch is used for making laws and is also identified as Congress. Congress consists of two chambers, the House of Representatives, and the Senate. Those in the House of Representatives have to be reelected every two years in order to remain in the House. Additionally, there are a grand total of 435 members of the House, and the number per state fluctuate depending on state populations. The House has the power to initiate bills and select the President if there is a tie in the Electoral College. The Head of this chamber is known as the Speaker of the House.
The second chamber is the Senate. In contrast of the House of Representatives, members of the Senate are voted upon every 6 years, and there are 100 Senators total, 2 for each state. The Senate has the power to try impeachment cases for government officials, if directed to do so by the house. The head of this chamber is the Vice President of the United States.
In order for a law to actually be created, it is required that both the House of Representatives and the Senate approve a bill before it gets

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