
How Has Social Media Affected Teens?

Decent Essays

Social Media Marketing

How has social media affected teens? The topic I chose for my research paper focuses on Social Media Marketing. Social Media is the biggest form of communication now a days. It hasn’t only changed the way people interact with each other, but also the way companies communicate. “What are companies doing to teenagers through technology?” Additionally, technology has become part of our everyday life and how we do things. Not only has social media made things easier for numerous people, but it has brought money to many hands.
Life on social network has turned into a competition between companies, people , websites, etc. During this research process, we had a chance to interview an expert and talk more about …show more content…

What I Know About Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing is the ability to use nontraditional communication and connection to build a brand. I specifically chose this topic so that us teens can be aware of how social media has made a big impact to our society. I assume that social media will become more advanced and construct new ideas to marketing. Social technologies include a broad range of applications that can be used by consumers and enterprises. What I imagine about my topic is that social media is overrated and is becoming a big deal when it comes to being able to get a sponsor. As we can see all around us , thousands of young people already have a phone at a young age. On the internet, people feel like they are more empowered because they can do just about anything. Companies are currently in competition with each other to get as much data as possible so they can gain money. A factor to this was the currency of likes , which means the value of money earned by the number of likes generated. On the other hand, social media has turned into the center of attention because of how many people use the internet for different purposes and how many companies set out ads to get people attracted to their products. In my opinion, i see that social media is something that will grow so much more throughout the years to the point where our lives will change completely. I say that because everything seems to be coming out on the internet

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