I like to myself agnostic, even though I was brought up to be Jewish my whole life. I would like to start from the very beginning. My father was brought up reformed Jewish. My mother’s parents are Jewish even though she was not brought up Jewish. When my mother became older her religion became a lot more important to her, and by association it would be forced to be important to me. By the time I was four years old in pre school I was beginning to learn some Hebrew words. I attended a Jewish pre school. By the time I was five I was placed in a private Jewish day school that runs from kindergarten to the 5th grade. When I was a child we religiously went to temple every Friday night. My family was always reformed Jews. The private school I was in, a little less then half the day was spent learning Hebrew and praying. My school was a couple of hours longer then public schools, because of learning Hebrew. The very start of the day, we prayed for about 45 minutes or so. After we prayed we transitioned into secular learning. The last couple of hours of the day was spent learning Hebrew. I started learning Hebrew in the first grade I was only 6 years old. Once middle school began I went to public school, because in Maine there is no Jewish high school. Due to the lack of Hebrew in my life, my mom forced me into Sunday school, which I dreaded. I was forced to be bat mitzvah’d. I was later forced to be confirmed at the age of 16. When I say forced I mean forced. I was getting into
I then went most of my junior without even thinking of what my beliefs were. I went to church a little more that year, basically whenever my parents wanted me to, but I kind of stopped listening to what the priest was saying. For awhile I considered myself agnostic; which is someone who recognizes God, but does not practice any religious
It started about when I was in Junior High School; this was the time when my little bother was born. My family and I no longer went to church as often because they did not want to bring a baby to church and disrupt the service. Around this time my father’s sibling passed away and this made him question his religion and ask himself if there really a God or not. This played a big factor in how our family started to view religion. I can say religion was no longer essential or important in our daily life as it was before. Another factor that plays into this is that we live in a neighborhood where people’s main religion is Judaism. My family and I feel like we are outsiders because they do not have the same traditions like us. For example all of our neighbors know each other because they all go to the same synagogue and we barely know our neighbors even though we have lived in this neighborhood for twelve years. Also on Christmas it is a very important holiday for us so we like to decorate our house with lights, with a statue of Jesus, Santa Claus and during this time we feel more like outsiders because we are the only house on the block that decorates and celebrates Christmas. We feel like they see us as outsiders as well so now instead we just decorate the inside of our house with our religious figures and outside we just decorate it with a snowman, reindeers, lights and other things like that.
I grew up in a very religious household with both of my parents behind the wheel. My parents are very religious people and they believe deeply in Gods existents. So in result, my parents want me and my siblings to be just like them. As soon as possible I was enrolled into a Catholic school called Saint Mary’s Ballston Spa. Saint Mary’s was a catholic private school that taught kindergarten through fifth grade. This is where I learned all about
I was raised in religion. Catholicism. Its impact may not have meant much at the time but as my life transpired, I realized the great significance of these beginnings. My mother who was raised Episcopalian used to take us to mass on Sundays being the dutiful wife my father was creating her to be, including assimilating her to his Catholicism. But he never came to church. Surely
Has your life ever been changed dramatically? How was it changed, and if so, how did it affect you? People change a lot in 6th grade! The key is to handle it well, so you can thrive for a lifetime. In 6th grade you take on more responsibility, make new friends, and school grades, are tougher.
This short story by Langston Hughes carries out many central ideas and themes. Although one theme certainly caught my eye. Throughout the entire story the theme is carried out and developed through the main characters, and the actions they make. The predominant theme of this story was the sense of belonging, or lack thereof, which lead to many actions taking place. Towards the beginning of the story the boy is wandering the streets, just looking for his prey. He went in believing he would receive some type of monetary value, such as money, but he leaves with much more.
When I was 6 I got sent to ukmerse to study traditional jewish texts at the academy there.
Many say that you become the person you want to be, but what if you don 't realize you became the person you hated the most?.When you 're younger you see,hear,and touch things that you don 't realize change the person you are today.I had many relationships, but one girl has changed my life in a way that i never imagined.In all my relationship before I wouldnt stay for long; i was always figuring why go out with someone if your not happy.Which brings me to, one of the most vivid memories when I was younger my parents were always fighting; it was a normal thing. My parents were together for a while they loved each other, or so it seemed but I just thought they were together for us. My brother and I grew up really close; he would babysit while my parents were at work which was often.Seeing my parents fight wasn 't something I thought was weird or uncommon it 's just something married people or couples did.I always thought If you 're not happy why stay with each other what 's the point.
I am an agnostic, meaning I am open to the existence of god or gods but I don’t affiliate with any religions. I haven’t always been though. I was born into a Christian family and raised going to church and being taught the Bible. But recently, I’ve gotten to thinking and just stepped outside the box to look at Christianity and what I’ve been taught. I found that the only real reason that I was a Christian and probably the only reason my parents and their parents were Christian was that they were born into that belief as part of their culture.
Where do I even start? I wish you could come back and teach here at school! I miss your class and the way you teach. I hope your wife is doing better, your brother as well. I hope you’re doing okay too. When you left, I remember you telling the class everything you were going through, and it was a lot. I just wanted to let you know that you were dearly missed after you left. Many students kept asking when you would be returning to class, including myself. Even though I didn't get to have you as a teacher for a full semester, the short time I did have you impacted my life greatly. I still think about your presence a lot while at school, especially your road time sessions. Those were my favorite! I often think about what your reaction was to
Your life can change so much in such little time. It can change in either a good way or a bad way. For me personally it changed in a great way. So many aspects of my life have changed in the past year. One of the aspects that changed was my education. I used to go to Miami Dade college but was not that passionate about my major, so i would go to classes really late or not even show up at all. I was kinda lost and i picked a major that i really didnt wanna do. Now ive picked a major that im really excited. I enrolled into Keiser University and im doing really good in school right now. Another way my life changed i met the girl of my dreams. I am really in love with her and she makes my life so much better. Ive never had so much fun with someone but she makes me the happiest. The last thing that has changed in my life was my job. I used to work at a resteraunt where i only got paid $8.50 and i did so much work compared to the job now that i make $9.50 and dont do as much work. I also enjoy it much more. My life is the greatest it has ever been.
Old man Mr. Youssef changed my life forever when he introduced me to electronic engineering. His knowledge, confidence, enthusiasm, and character was unique enough for others to mirror. He knew how to dance salsa with the heavily populated Hispanic population of my high school. He smoked cigars and stank of cigarettes, but the young men and women in the classroom were blinded by the smell. Moreover, this 6 foot 5 inch giant made a difference in my life by molding me into a perspective student who now has a dream of becoming an engineer.
Friends and family have always told me college is hard and takes a lot of adjusting. I knew that in the back of my mind but always thought I was smart enough to overcome that adjusting part. I was wrong. Just adjusting to this course was a struggle for me. I learned my lesson and changed my ways a few weeks into the course. I’ve improved on so much and learned a lot throughout these seven weeks. In general I’ve learned how to organize and revise my papers more in depth. I’ve learned so many new techniques that I will carry on with my throughout my years in school. Six weeks ago when I wrote my diagnostic essay I thought it was great. Looking back at it now, I realize it’s a train wreck. There are grammar errors, awkward wording and sentence structures, repetition of the same words, it is unorganized and I cut my ideas short. A lot of the strategies I’ve learned throughout the course could have been put to use in the essay. I said my weaknesses were grammar and writing a thesis statement. I said that my strength was descriptive writing. I believe I’ve improved on those elements, but also discovered new weaknesses that I have worked on over the weeks to improve and understand better.
In life you’re always wishing to be older or younger because of the struggles you’ve faced and even when we’ve over come those struggles new ones approach causing us to go in a circle of feelings. I’ve gone through my childish years, the adolescent years, and now can’t wait to plan for the future adulthood years. Though without the great support systems I have in my life I wouldn’t have been able to get past my struggles without them. I like to think that the struggles I’ve over come so far have prepared me for the journey ahead.
However, not too long after that I coincidentally changed my mind. It was the day that we were in touch. As unexpected as it felt for you it felt just as unexpected for me. We recalled how the timing just seemed so crazy. Who would have known? I kept thinking of “school and work”. I kept thinking of how I seemed content. I even thought about how I didn’t plan to even date anytime soon. Little did I know I was wrong. It’s funny how that worked out. The timing was during one of the toughest times of my life. For a while I was unable to feel a sense of being okay. I felt like all of the bad that could possibly happen consistently did. I didn 't think that anything good would come. There weren 't many signs that directed me to feeling like the days could get better. In the midst of these things you entered my life. You helped me realize that things do get better. You listened to what I felt were my annoying venting moments about how down I’ve become.