The renaissance was an explosion of creativity to the old arts and the old ways of doing things. The renaissance was different than the dark ages because the renaissance was an explosion of learning the old ways. The 4 artest where Jan van Eyck, Raphael, Bruegel, and Donatello. Jan van Eyck is best known for his art work. Raphael is best known for his work at the school of athens. Bruegel is best know for St. peter's basilica. Donatello is best know for the statue of david. In fact, Leonardo da Vinci was the greatest Renaissance artist because he was highly skilled in a variety of fields.
The Renaissance began in italy. After it started in Italy it kept spreading north. It had Began in italy around 1300. The trade that was being seen all over
The Renaissance period began in Italy around 1300 and spread throughout Europe during the 1400 and 1500’s. This period signified the beginning path to incredible change in customs, ways of life and institutions that had existed in Europe for almost a thousand years. Many of the new ideas of this period still influence our lives today.
The Renaissance (meaning rebirth) took place in Europe during the period between 14th and 17th century. The epicenter of this movement was Florence, Italy. The Renaissance influenced: the arts, music, literature, politics, religion, technology, and society. The Renaissance was the key in the development of Western Civilization.
WHAT! Just to think that the Dark Age turn to an age of man. Believe or not, the history goes far back, beginning in the European history. In addition, the Middle Ages or sometimes called the Dark Age was a history of tragedy. According to the Background Essay, the Middle Ages primary peoples were Roman Catholic Church and Pope.
The Renaissance was a time of change. It began in Italy during the 14th century, and spread throughout the North. People all over Europe were affected, for the better and for the worse. Some people finally had a chance to
The Renaissance was the period following the Middle Ages in Europe that emerged in Italy in the late 14th century lasting until the late 16th century. Renaissance, meaning rebirth, had and continues to have an origin that is unknown to most. This
The Renaissance was a time of change and prosperity. The decision was made depending on the difference of two eras. Unlike the Renaissance, the Middle Ages were a thousand years of ignorance and superstition. The Renaissance men were leaders in an era of rebirth and learning looked to the Ancient Greeks and Romans for models of advance. Many historians felt that the Middle Ages and the Renaissance were one era. The debate centers around whether the Renaissance was a unique age or a continuation of the Middle Ages.
There are many contrasts in the art and music of the Renaissance and the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages was a time of great suffering, including famine and widespread disease, such as the Black Death. The Renaissance was revival of art, learning, and literature. The people’s attitude and fervor for religion had tremendous effects on the art and music produced. The Middle Ages also referred to as “The Age of Faith” was God centered and gave power to the church who dictated how the art should appear, and music should sound. The Renaissance was more concerned with individuals and their talents, the church was not the centralized power, the art exhibited influences from ancient Greece and the Roman Empire.
The Renaissance began in Italy during the 1300s in which a of rebirth of the arts, economy, science, and culture of Europe occurred. Before this time, during the Middle Ages, war and disease precluded advances in art and literature and the powerful influence of the Catholic church limited significant advances in science and philosophy. The Renaissance took influence from classical Greek and Rome and expressed and expanded upon many of the ideas of that time. Art became more realistic and focused on the human figure as humanistic ideals became more prevalent, and subjects shifted from chiefly religious scenes to scenes of daily life, of classical mythology, portraits, sculptures, and many more. The economy flourished as a wealthy merchant
No, I do not believe that the Renaissance was a distinct break or period from the Middle Ages for many reason. For example, One can not date the Renaissance back to a certain year because what some might believe to be the high Middle Ages others consider to be the early Renaissance. One only needs to look at the works of Ghiberti, Brunelleschi,Donatello, and even Petrarch, one of the first humanists, to see that it is extended to the beginning of the 15th century yet has no clear breaking point.
The Renaissance was a period of great cultural and technological changes that swept Europe from the end of the 13th century. It was integral in developing Europe into a powerhouse. Although, each part of Europe was subjected to different changes, there were two primary renaissances, which were most notable. They were the Italian and the Northern renaissance. Both of these renaissances had a profound impact on Europe. But they also had some typical differences among them and each was unique in its own way.
The Middle Ages took place during 500-1300 CE and the Renaissance happened around the 14th century to the 17th century. Because of their occurrence in the same country, Catholicism does a lot for the state. Even though that is true, the Middle Ages did a lot more with religion while the Renaissance started to have more scientists who would use rational thought. The Middle Ages and the Renaissance in Europe had many economic and social differences as well as similarities. Being a patriarchal society is a main similarity between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
Renaissance society first took shape within the merchant cities of late medieval Italy. Italy had a cultural advantage over the rest of Europe because its geography made it the natural gateway between east and west. The city-states had wealth from commerce and that that were
The Middle Ages was all about order. The Church was the center of life and community. Each individual knew and accepted his or her place in society. The Renaissance was all about change. During The Renaissance, everything was challenged including the Church. Artists of great magnitude emerged during this time.
Many things changed from Medieval Times to the Renaissance. The catholic church saw it’s reign secede and individualism increase in the minds of the people of the time. Because of this, people in the Renaissance now looked at themselves in a way that was never seen before. Slowly but surely, the whole world changed. The rise in individualism and humanism signified a change in the way people thought about their purpose in life. In the Medieval Times, people believed that they were at the mercy of God, and they had no control over their own bodies or lives. From the change in Medieval Times to the Renaissance, whole fields were changed, especially art and the medical field, because of the rise of the individual and that way of life.
The Renaissance had its start in Florence Italy and was inspired by the values of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. During the Renaissance, people from various levels of society began to study classical literature and art.