
How M & S Business Strategy

Decent Essays

Finding from group report there are three recommendations can be discussed in this report which are, competition in the existing and future market, recommendations on marketing department and focusing on Corporate Social Responsibility to gain more loyal customer. How M&S business strategy can be aligned with the HR strategy to achieve the goal. By adopting HR as a business partner and center of expertise, helped big organisations to achieve their goals (CIPD, 2012).

About Company

Marks and Spencer has a more than 100 years of history, it was started in 1893 by two person Marks and Spencer. The principal on which is founded was quality, service, innovation, values and trust (Adams 2013). According to annual report of M&S (2014), M&S …show more content…

HR and Business competition

The new SHRM managers knows macroeconomic trends, for example, economic projection by HR will effect; how the company plans for employee hiring in future. According to Society for human resource management, business intelligence - including knowledge of metrics and data, as well as operations, logistics and business strategy are becoming most important proficiency for HR professionals, few big companies are already benefiting from competent HR directors, and this will become most important requirement for HR in coming 10 years (Forbes, 2013)

By 2020 according to ‘plan A’ of M&S, the ultimate aim is to become ‘the world’s most sustainable major retailor’ (M&S Plan A Report, 2014). When company becomes global it faces lots of competition from local and international market, and to deal with the competition HR’s strategy driven partnership can help the organisation to compete in the world. HR understands that main asset of any organisation is human capital; HR can develop strategy for the company from recruitment, selection, appointment, to skills development in the organisation (M&S, 2014). HR ensures that employees in the organisation are confident, knowledgeable and become a part in growth of the organisation by providing the training and performance coaching programs. HR needs to keep staff trained so that they can respond to

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