
How To Make Avocados

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For decades we were lead to believe that all fats, no matter where they came from, where the work of the devil and if we wanted to stay trim and healthy, we should eliminate all forms of fat from our diets and follow a low-calorie, virtually fat-free diet on a regular basis. Time went by, researchers conducted various, well, research, and discovered that perhaps SOME fats were ok.
More time went by, more research was conducted, and this time around, experts concluded that not only were some fats OK, some fats, namely fats from healthy sources, were actually pretty essential and incredibly healthy. Not only that, but they’ve also discovered that healthy fats can actually help us to lose weight! Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are the healthiest forms of fat, although some saturated fat from natural sources such as coconut oil or red meat, is also highly beneficial. When it comes to healthy fat food sources, they don’t call avocados “nature’s butter” for nothing and for that reason, here’s a look at the nutritional value of avocado and 7 reasons why you should be eating more of this delicious food. …show more content…

One of the most prominent carotenoids found in avocados is Lutein, which helps improve vision and protect against various eye conditions and diseases. Other carotenoids found in avocados include: Zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, vitamin E, and

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