I’m writing in response to Presidents address, specifically in the areas where he discusses the safety measures that will be taken by the United States to protect our country. I can generally concur with a fraction of what he intends to do. For example, hunting down terrorist plotters wherever they may be. This is a incredibly vital step in ensuring the safety of innocent American citizens. There are terrorists all over the world that must be stopped. These radicalized people have a twisted perception of faiths and captivating the lives of countless innocent citizens. If we do not stop these sick people in time, who knows how many more lives will be taken. This isn’t only protecting America; it is also defending the lives of many innocent humans on earth. America is not the only target for terrorist. We are just one of numerous countries that endure from the pain these people cause.
I can too state that I see eye to eye with the United States joining forces with our allies in destroying ISIL along with other terrorist organizations. Our strongest allies at the moment in the fight on terrorism include: France, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
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I believe giving weapons and training to Iraqi and Syrian forcing. My foremost reason goes back to the initiative that our country doesn’t want to allow Syrian refugees into the U.S. If we cannot tell who is a refugee and not ISIL, how can we determine whether the people we are providing weapons to are a part of ISIL or not? I am not putting disregard those who are trying to defend the safety of others, but it is a part of logic. How can we trust someone who says they are combating to demolish ISIL when we can’t trust someone who says they are a refugee? We could possibly be handing them the weapons to turn around and use on us. I am all for getting the help we need to stop these awful people, but we cannot contradict ourselves with our
America is torn betwixt the dispatchment of American ground troops to fight the terrorist group Isis. The Isis ideology and vision consists of the restoration of the caliphate of early Islam and pledging allegiance to it. Isis regards to maintain the purification of Islamic society, they must fight non-Muslim countries. This desire of a pure Islamic society has precipitated harm on several non-Muslim countries, and even on their own country. The American government is considering sending our ground troops to fight Isis, however, the negatives to sending ground troops to fight Isis are monumental.
Bush greets our nation with the upmost detailed, direct and emotional speech following the “series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts (1).” When the most powerful person in our nation addresses us beginning with a statement like that, you cannot help but automatically have that gut feeling or sense of knowing this is not a good situation. As Bush continues on with his speech stating, “Immediately following the first attack, I implemented our government’s emergency response plans…our military is powerful, and it’s prepared (3)” the intensity has sparked. From two statements Bush has pulled viewers, readers, and listeners into his speech through emotion. Emotions of fear, anger, confusion, hurt and loss being a start to a long list of feelings people have begun to feel. However Bush then state’s, “Our first priority is to get help to those who have been injured, and to take every precaution to protect our citizens at home and around the world from further attacks, (3)” giving people a more reassuring and hopeful view, despite the tragedy unfolding right before their eyes. Towards the end of Bush’s speech he speaks “on behalf of the American people, I thank the many world leaders who have called to offer their condolences and assistance…and we stand together to win the war against terrorism, (5)” in order to show positive unity. Throughout this speech in particular Bush uses his strengths
The United States, with its coalition partners, has committed to degrade and destroy the terrorist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). This group poses a threat to the people of the Middle East, as well as to the United States, our allies, and interests in the region. If this terrorist organization is left uninterrupted, ISIL will grow, threatening the surrounding areas of the Middle East, our allies abroad, and the United States.
First off, Lady Macbeth is a character very much rooted in ambition. The authors use of masculinity versus femininity furthermore portrays the extent to which Lady Macbeth will go to ensure the success of her plan to kill the King. Her hunger for masculinity is first clearly portrayed through her use of the phrase “come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here.” This quote exemplifies her willingness to give up her femininity in exchange for masculine cruelty, which would ensure her success in carrying out the murder of King Duncan. Through this quote, Lady Macbeth directly opposes the Elizabethan expectation of women to be feeble, nurturers of life. Lady Macbeth did not believe that her husband had the means to become a strong
It is important that the US government does anything and everything to keep the people it governs over safe. With ISIS’s terrorist acts now spreading across Europe and with ISIS-inspired attacks here in America, the threat is growing each and every day.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a proposed rule, on December 30, 2015, entitled "Retention of EB1, EB2, and EB3 Immigrant Workers and Program Improvements Affecting High-Skilled Nonimmigrant Workers." Included in the proposed rule is the long-awaited provision for the ability to obtain an employment authorization document (EAD) based on an approved form I-140, employer petition. Unfortunately, eligibility for this immigration benefit under the proposal is highly restrictive and therefore will aid a far narrower group of foreign national workers than had been hoped.
“Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts. We have taken the necessary security precautions and are prepared to do whatever is necessary to protect America and Americans.” President George W. Bush
My family has always believed that there is a path set by God for everybody in this world. Personally, I am very religious just like my family. I go to church every weekend and assist with anything for the church. Still, I never believed in the concept that everything is interconnected and happens for a reason. Well, that is, until now.
A common theme emerged for the African American people; the government may say that everyone is in this fight together but we, as African Americans, now this is not true. From the segregated military to the non-willing acceptance of African American workers in wartime factories the African American people felt that they fought a two-sided war. This two-sided approach to war took a name for itself, The Double V Campaign. African Americans joined the fight for freedom just like all other Americans, but many thought this to be the time and place to advocate for civil right,
I cannot pretend to know what the hell is going on in all the World. I must rely on pieces of information supplied to me from sources I have never met, nor have I any way of confirming the truthfulness of that information, just like most of us in today’s reality.
The Homeland Security Act of 2002 impacted the American people without many of them realizing it. The act called for increased monitoring of computer networks, phone lines, and online history inside the United States and allowed the government to deport suspects (ACLU). What was created by the act has snaked its way into all aspects of our lives, creating a sense of order and restricting some freedom. However, some say that this imposition into our daily lives limits our freedoms and actions allowed us by the Constitution. Many interest groups voice strong resentment for the act while others try to demonstrate the strengths and triumphs of the Homeland Security Act. This paper will show the differing viewpoints of those that feel that the
Since the attacks on September 11th, 2001, intelligence activities has been one of the most controversial issues facing this country with one of the most controversial being the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Created in November of 2002 and concepted just two weeks after the attacks, the DHS focuses in five goals; prevent terrorism and enhance security, secure and manage the borders, enforce and administer immigration laws, safeguard and secure cyberspace,
The purpose of this paper is to define and give as much detail information about Homeland Security in the United States and law enforcement and how they are integrated. I hope after reading this paper you will be well informed on the duties and responsibilities of these agencies. People have always lived in fear but with the help of these agencies we will no longer have to live in fear. I will try to give as much detail information as possible to help with any problems or situation that might come up. Homeland Security in the United States and law enforcement have extensive research skills and knowledge in serving and protecting citizens and other important groups and agencies. Homeland
By breaking down the two key words, security and defense, you find how each of these items are married together. Security and defense are to very similar words, one you are securing a given item and the other you are defending. So, wouldn’t you think that homeland defense and homeland security would be the same? You would, but they are not. Homeland defense is the of its self is the infrastructure used to defend us against any sort of external threat. Whereas Homeland Security is the strategy that is used with to combat these sort of things. It goes without saying that the primary mission of homeland security and defense, is to protect the citizens of the United States of America. Within the mission is the tasks, and each individual department has its own specific task. Now, with the specific task comes specific duties, responsibilities, and operations. From personal experience, most operations of within the homeland security/defense real are in some way, shape, or form joint operations. Now each individual knows their specific tasks, duty, and responsibility. Take for example the current situation in New York City and Elizabeth, New Jersey, you have on the ground investigating, the local law enforcement agencies, the ATF, the FBI, and Homeland Security agents. Each agency has their own job and their own input on what needs to be done while on scene. Here is simple breakdown of those task, the local law enforcement agents are first own the scene. They are going to
Alternatively, his serial provocations could incite a South Korean or US military response that creates an unstoppable escalation spiral. The logic of Trump’s ‘America First’ policy contains the rationale for preventing North Korea from acquiring the capacity to strike the US mainland, regardless of the scale and gravity of the harm inflicted on South Koreans, Japanese and others in the region. The Kim dynasty has outwitted the United States with more tenacity, resourcefulness and single-minded determination. There is nothing the world can offer Kim that he would value more than his prized bomb. More sanctions suffer from the law of diminishing returns. Any country is exposed to the threat of sanctions when it is fully integrated into