
How To Pursue A Position As An Assistant Principal

Decent Essays

When acquiring a position, it is vital that one has the necessary skills to effectively do the job. In my opinion, each position in the school system prepares one for the next level up. When people are promoted to a position that does not highlight their strengths, one will fail in the position if the appropriate knowledge is not attained to successfully do the job. According to Manning and Curtis (2016), a promotion can be more than a job change; it can be a culture shock p. 319. Therefore, when people are promoted from one job to the next, acquiring the knowledge and skill at one position consequently helps prepare one for a promotion into another position. The three responsibilities that will allow me to be a good fit for this position …show more content…

As teachers, we are familiar with the policies and procedures necessary to discipline students, as a result; I am confident that I will have the ability to discipline appropriately and at the same time counsel students into being better than the way they came. After talking to an Assistant Principal at my school this year, he advised me to always follow the student handbook when disciplining students. The student handout lists numerous offenses and consequences students will receive if they misbehave. Therefore, discipline students effectively and consistently is a strength that I will possess when entering the position as an Assistant Principal because I have done it so well in my classroom. Supervising teachers and departments assigned would be a walk in the park for me because I am a people person and building relationships, in this case, would be vital in order to ensure people respect and trust the leader. Therefore, it would be my ultimate responsibility to build relationships while also guiding teachers in the right direction to success. Finally, keeping records is a responsibility that I am skilled because I am very organized. Every year I keep records of students behavior, assignments, tests, and communication logs when parents

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